Wednesday, June 25, 2014

UNITY?? for IRAQ?? ... what about US??

"Sauce For The Gander"??

Have our leaders "slipped a cog" in their brains??  It staggers the senses to hear members of our "Do Nothing" (for this nation; that is) Congress, foment on and on over the Middle East, the IRS, and Obama (whatever he does, thinks, or represents to them)!   Congress is pathologically incredulous in its response to anything attempted by the Obama Administration to govern THIS nation!  UNITY must start here!

Yet they expect some sort of  "unity" to occur in Iraq and the rest of the world while we become less able to govern ourselves, by the day!  I just watched a painful hour-long "one-on-one" between Charlie Rose and Dick Cheney.  The topic, of course, was Iraq:  what Cheney thought they did wrong? (Nothing);  why things are now falling apart all over the Middle East? (Obama did it!).  The man should be observed closely;  his twitching visage showed his struggle to contain his ideological and pathological rage against the "blowback" now emerging..

 I was struck by an image of some evil little boy who knows he could have, and should have been caught and stopped long ago; but, somehow he made his way to a point in his life, where he found the opportunity, and the opportunity and resources to place our entire world "in play"!  He saw a hornet's nest; purposely and vengefully smashed it; and is now blaming everyone who tries to contain the damage from his actions.  He's a sick puppy!!

Charlie let him get away with telling monstrous lies.  Their big LIE centers on SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement).  Cheney knows that most citizens, or journalists, will NOT check the facts, but Wikipedia will provide you with enough facts to pierce the LIE Cheney is pushing!

Bush signed SOFA in 2008 (the year of our Financial Meltdown).  He committed the United States to be out of Iraq completely by December 31, 2011:  AFTER he and Cheney left office.  Negotiations with the Iraqis over a SOFA took place under Secretary Gates as the Bush Administration wound down.  To even open their slimy mouths to pin any of this on Obama is the depth of human indecency.

Looks like one of their "kind" got gutted in Mississippi's Run-off election tonight.  MISSISSIPPI!, of all places!  Looks like there are a few sensible whites in even the worst of "Hell Holes"!  Take That!, Virginia.

Stay Vigilant!  Identity Crises began "breaking out" all over the planet as after ("w") threatened  "Crusade"?

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