"Ain't NOBODY Gonna' "Save" us; BUT Us!! "
With War (and rumors of War?) spreading across our globe, and refugees mounting to record levels (leaving life-times and generations of "progress" in the rubble); our "ship of fools" sails on toward whatever our ultimate fate will be! President Obama's Poll Numbers show that a slight majority of our citizens have "given up" on him! It's not that he hasn't beat the hyenas (Boehner, McConnell, and their adherents) at every turn; AND side-stepped the strangle-hold of Israel on our Foreign Policy since World War II; IT'S THE WAY HE'S DOING IT, that pisses-off the voters! JOHN-WAYNE-McCain may doom us, yet!
Cheney's total performance should convince even the most thick-headed, that some people can commit murder, in your face, and walk away "scott -free"! I guess that elevates Cheney to the level of George Zimmerman; and, to a lesser extent, O.J?? Last I heard, O.J. was in jail! Cheney hasn't made it there yet! No jail for "W", though; asylums would be most fitting for the Bush's!
The "Messiah", or the "Savior" syndrome, is deeply rooted in the psyche of too many people. Blacks from the Deep South ("Hell Holes", "Sewers": take your pick); still wait for others to "fix" their problems for them, rather that get up off their asses; get organized,; and make real progress! It took the new mayor, Bill de Blasio of New York, a white "progressive" to bring "Justice" for the Central Park Five. That crappy Black Mind-set derives from the version of Christianity taught to Blacks in and from the "Hell Holes"! I learned as a small child attending church in the Segregated U.S., that BLACK and WHITE "Preachers" and "Politicians" are really the same "CAT"! It's no surprise that "Rev'm Al" Sharpton and "9-9-9" Cain ran for President of the United States in the same time-period! Liberal Whites, and "Conservative" Whites, both play their cynical games well! Black and Brown New York City residents knew damn well that they would get no "Justice" from the likes of Bloomberg or Juliani!
As for Pope Too: I see his assigned territory to be Latin America! I'm reading the history of SLAVERY on the Spanish Frontier; The Columbian Choco' 1680-1810, Lot'sa Luck, there, Pope-Too!! Is this the real root of drug-trafficking in the Americas?
Stay Vigilant! Will the 2014 Off-Year Election be "strike three", as called by GOD (whoever he or she really is!)?? Get off your ass! Go VOTE (AT LEAST)!
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