Encouraging Signs?
I attended a special Court Session today, where 166 persons were sworn in as NEW CITIZENS for these United States of America. A former employee, from Mexico, was one of them. If you have not attended one of these sessions, (the USCIS holds them regularly), you should! It is disturbing to see how much has been lost, that we formerly took for granted, in general attitudes citizens have about our country, since I entered school in 1945. It was refreshing to see so many people, from more than 2 dozen countries, are eager to subscribe to those old, mostly discarded values. I wonder, for example, how many of our politicians can "pass" the kind of close scrutiny for law-abiding, and morals that these new citizens passed. Not many, I'm afraid. The Oath they all swore to, today, is one that is violated, daily, in our faces, on T.V, by our so-called "leaders" and Representatives in our Congress. "Representation" is a cash-and-carry trade today; and what and who is "represented" depends heavily on the cash received by the Representative. That's the result of widespread corruption of our Courts and Judicial System over the past several decades.
Fewer than 5% of these new citizens could pass the "whiter than Nancy Reagan" test, however. Stark reminders of the fierce determination of our "Conservatives" to deny, at all costs, the continuation of our historic Immigrant tradition. COLOR is the last frontier! It remains, steadfast, as the "border" for marginalization within our society and economy.
From the WASP limitations of the Founders, to expansions of coverage for religion, and nationalities other than Anglo-Saxon, the traditional "Open Door" policy for Immigrants to these shores, hit a brick wall when the direction became from South of our Border and the skin colors changed dramatically. Already weary from "blood-line" battles that include "abortion, and color discrimination, "Conservatives have to dig deeper and find less obvious methods to pursue their core beliefs.
Readers of this blog know that my mother died an horrific death in childbirth in 1945. It was standard practice, then and there, to deny medical treatment to people who were not white. Those people had to seek treatment from non-white "practitioners" or go without. Whether or not you could pay for medical services did not matter. To this day, witness the struggle over Obamacare, a significant portion of this country firmly believes that medical care should be denied to the poor and to minorities. Why?
The answer lies in a long and sordid history of Bastardization of Science and the culpability of the medical profession. An English Philosopher, Herbert Spencer, misapplied (according to Darwin) his findings for "survival of species", as pertained to animals in the wild; to humans. From there, the terms and theories of Social Darwinism developed, leading to Eugenics. If the "strong" survived, the "weak" did not; then it became clear that Man could do quite a lot to "weaken" other men. Multiple schemes and practices were developed, by doctors and psychiatrists, leading to "Mercy" killing, "culling of the "infirm", "medical experiments", and the Holocaust. Racism rests well in the arms of this type of thinking and it has been embraced and spread by Christianity over centuries. Its in their bones, so to speak! Google people like Spencer, Francis Galton, ( a relative of Darwin's); and you will discover the ugly train that has led to our current day woes in medical care, abortion, racial discrimination, and other "blood-line" practices. Royalty, arranged marriage, and other practices are still around that link back to the tribal roots of the racism that we can't "shake" in this country. It has led to a bizarre crippling of our current government, at both Federal and State levels.
Stay Vigilant! Immigrants (regardless of color) still believe in this country; AND THEY KEEP COMING!
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