Tuesday, June 10, 2014


The ROT is Everywhere, and Spreading!
"Had Enough", Yet??
Whether it's the shooting (murder), of  COPs in Vegas yesterday, or in an Oregon High School this morning, or "Snowden", or "Bowe Bergdahl; you have to be dead not to feel the rising sense of frustration in this country with the unwillingness of the Repoobs to permit our federal government to function.  They're busy spreading their rot to the State Legislatures across our country, courtesy of ALEC.  Our only hope of halting this madness is to VOTE them out in 2014, to reverse the path we left open to them in 2010!  But, the MEDIA is busy with Hillary and "Benghazi", and the Congress is having a grand old party time with the VA!  Meantime, frustration rises, and nothing is decided.  The Economy came first, and thanks to the "ADULT-HOOD" of President Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, the repair work achieved since the Repoobs tanked the economy in 2008 has been "spectacular".  It happened in spite of everything the Repoobs could literally throw at the FBP!   Boehner said it:  The Repoobs (Tea Party) is the Republican Party, and the Republican Party is Repoob!   Theyall  have to be turned out of office, no matter where you find them!  By focusing on Hillary before the 2014 Election, Repoobs hope voters will stay home this November, thereby allowing them to keep on doing us in!

Repoobs are successful in finding the level of intellect and maturity of the vast majority of our citizenry.  The MEDIA is gorging themselves on the profits they achieve by stirring up the rabble.  The MOB mentality that is feeding on itself, is slowly changing its awareness to realize that the real Terrorism is at home and wears a face that familiar and non-threatening to most white citizens.

The Bergdahl affair would not exist in the nation that we were as late as the mid-70s.  Citizens knew, then. that SURPRISE is the critical military element that makes accurate INTELLIGENCE necessary; thereby enabling military actions to prevail.  MORALE, also known as Unit Discipline, is fundamental to a strong and successful military.  Repoobs have succeeded into convincing our dim-witted,  Media-driven public to work against both,  the concepts of SURPRISE and MORALE. 

Congressional demands to KNOW everything the Commander-in-Chief knows is INSANE!  Military units without proper discipline decay into the "clique" that appears to have turned against Bergdahl.  I saw this kind of mind-set rising in the military as I approached the end of my service in 1982.  Reagan, Cheney, and "W" did tremendous damage to our military and to our intelligence capabilities.  The collapse of the Soviet Union obviously did little to deter the KGB, as Putin reminds us.  The "victor" seems to have lost its way under the "leadership" of a Repoob Congress, and characters like Rumsfeld and Cheney.

Stay Vigilant!  Is RACE the magic ingredient in our "national cocktail" that keeps the public dull-witted and compliant with the Repoobs?

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