Sunday, June 15, 2014


Hyena's Rant!: Take No Responsibility!

This Father's Day gives us the Usual Suspects on the Hard Right, ranting on the Media about Iraq, and how its all Obama's doing.  They must think that our brains are as challenged as theirs!  Why does ANYBODY take seriously ANYTHING coming from the mouths of the likes of Boehner and McCain?

We're approaching the 20th Anniversary of the O.J. Trial.  That was the event that cut to the core of the racial divide in this country, socially, legally, and, especially, the raw brutality of  Law Enforcement, at all levels, against Minorities.  As a resident, property-owner in the Los Angeles  area from 1984 to 1989, I witnessed, first hand, the climate of fear engendered by Gates' Cops; overseen by the one-and-only(?) Black Mayor of Los Angeles: Bradley.  It came as no surprise to me that O.J. would "un-earth" centuries of wrong-doing by being involved in the stuff he and his wife, and their families and friends were into.  

White "America" has now "answered" the O.J. affair with their revenge in Florida in the Trayvon Martin Trial.  A white, all female jury "exonerated" a near-white from murdering a black child.  O'Mara, after studying Johnny Cochran carefully, has delivered his "tit" for "tat"!  The country is more deeply divided than than ever in the past century.  So Much for Obama-the Deliverer; The "Savior".  Those who voted for him in 2008, but not in 2012, were probably expecting another Clarence Thomas??

Believe it or not, there is an over-arching theme here.  Whites Get A "Pass"!!   A derivative of their claim to be "Chosen", Exceptional, etc.  Their global racism is "OUT" for everyone to see.  Blame your religion, or, blame Mark Twain for teaching "Huck Finn" to white males.  Near-white males, like Governor Chriistie, are now becoming beneficiaries of the mantle?  It's all about what you're willing to believe, Truth and Fact are in the trash cans of our minds.

Women can take a lesson from all of this,  White women (are you listening Hillary?) have not yet figured out the root of the "inequity" they face in the corporate world.  More than "gender"; this is about being a "member" of the "forgiven".  Drucker taught us that promotion to the top in the Corporate World, (Organized Crime, too?) depends more or dependability than competence or "merit"!  Smart Blacks broke that code decades ago!  It's all about CREDIT and/or BLAME!  The e-mail lady in the New Jersey Bridge caper is learning that the hard way:  she is just not hard-wired the way the system requires!

Stay Vigilant!  Ladies don't make credible "fall-guys"!
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