Thursday, June 26, 2014



Today, as our "mindless" youth go crazy in anticipation of our soccer match in Brazil; our Supreme  Court drones on in its interminable task of "Managing" this nation's "Unfinished Business" concerning our non-white citizens.  The failures of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, JFK, Harry Truman, and the lesser Presidents, on this subject ,are still very much "with us" -- and, because of our cycles of exporting our poison, the Middle East may be, finally, entering the "final" phases of settling the Sectarian Strife that has profited the Europeans and their clone countries for centuries.  CHENY-BUSH? (anyone)??

From Abortion, and Voting, to "Borders"; all of these roads revolve around "skin color" issues; dominant in the "white" parts of our Planet.  In the Middle East, the racial (skin color?) issue is introduced by "Europeanized" Israelis.  Too bad, for all of us, the Sephardi Jews did not maintain their richly-deserved primacy within that group.  Check out their history in Spain before the Catholics drove them out!

Back to Soccer:  "Team USA" is reminiscent of a very important part of U.S. history that has been kept "hidden" by powerful forces in this country; those dedicated to shaping the "Mass Mind".  "Brown Babies" are those babies, sired, mostly, by African-American and Caribben-American soldiers; who were left behind with the mothers of the nations involved.  The Germans have a special name for these children
This is a phenomenon of World War II, and countries across our globe have them -- Korea, Phillipines, throughout Europe, Vietnam.  The individual stories of what happened to most of these children can be heart-rendering.  It high time we all brought them out of the "shadows"??

But, driven by the Cracker-Mind-Set that holds this country in stasis, we await the "Supreme's'" latest art-work on "Abortion".  The entire issue revolves around the dwindling number of white babies born in the United States.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to YOU and to THEMSELVES!  Boehner is going "bonkers"!:  the "Crackers" in his midst have painted him into a corner.  He is now prepared, in spite of the Repoob sermon on "austerity", to squander our precious few dollars on a years-long "law suit" of the President of the United States.  NOW, do you wonder why so many of us think our "average" citizens have "sh*t for brains"??  Non-whites must be kept MARGINALIZED at all COST!  (Cheney wants to drastically RAISE TAXES to get his War Machine back in operation)!!

Then, there's MISSISSIPPI (this has been a busy week)!  One of the "Katzenjammers" showed up to turn the tide back in the direction of Sanity; -- Arizona showed up; South Carolina did not.  So, is there an awakening "split" even among our most hard-core race haters?

Finally; what is all of this "horsesh*t" about BORDERS??  Pull your heads out!  Look closely at "Team USA!  Look at the crumbling of borders all over our Planet!  The Middle East and Ukraine are certain to drive our futures: unless things change, fundamentally and FAST!!  Want secure Borders?  Shoot your cell phones!!

Stay Vigilant!  VOTE (EARLY --and often?)  Learn How to Vote ABSENTEE!

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