Wednesday, June 18, 2014

THE "FOCUS" -- "MANAGING" the "MASTER-mind-F**K"??

How To COPE, Day-To-Day?

Marginalized people, anywhere on the planet, in order to preserve their sanity in the daily onslaught of Media-driven propaganda; have to have some sort of "focus" -- some knowledge or tools by which they can "cut through" and "grab hold" of their own lives.  The goal of MEDIA today is to keep us all "mollified" with our plight; whether it is the worst of the worst, to be found among darker-skinned peoples in the "THIRD" World, or somehow-better; to be found in the more DEVELOPED countries.  

Then there's the "pecking orders"  socially, economically, employably; within each country -- driven by religion, wealth, skin color, education, and political "protections".  MEDIA in the U.S. is evolving in two distinct directions: ONE works to keep our "mass-minds" focused on the PAST (FOX NEWS, the Murdoch rags, etc).  The OTHER, purports to be more FUTURE oriented, or "Progressive"(MSNBC).  There is the MONEY channel (CNBC) for those with money and sophisticated enough to manage their money, themselves.   To find a focus that works, MONEY and SKIN COLOR are most important.  Research our intellectual roots and the formation of our Constitutional Government, and you will find this to be true.  Religion, and "Equal Opportunity" are both "packaging" to mask the behaviors that we have all experienced, both in the past, and within the past week.

"Mourning" Joe on MSNBC provides the slickest "pot" in which our toxic brew of wealth, race, and power is stirred on a daily basis.  When his forerunner,  IMUS, got too far off course, failing to keep the MIND-Effed "in-line" with the accepted notion of our "progress"; he was turned upon and let go.  "Joe" may treading dangerously close to that fate, I'm afraid, if he maintains his "Anti-Colored", and "Anti-female" postures.

To measure any movement we must have a scale: the baseline could be obtained from a careful viewing of last night's FREEDOM RIDERS, by American Experience, which aired on PBS.  A careful study of the state of the CRACKER MIND-SET in the United States in 1961, is displayed clearly, and is a good starting point from which to measure any "progress", and to see clearly what "Joe" may be up to.  His job is to Protect and Preserve that Mind-Set under a "Conservative" rubric, and serve it up as a "new norm"!  His ding-bat sidekick is there for eye candy and to reassure a lesser-intelligent and/or discerning female audience.

Why should you care?  How's your money, these days?  Is your money "funny"; and getting worse by the day?  How about your TIME??: -- it's much more important than money!  If you want to manage the stress in your life, get a firm hold on both your time and your money.  Then "Manage" the "mind-effers" in the Media.  

Stay Vigilant!  FREEDOM RIDERS is a good place to start to understand why your world may be upside down and getting worse; why our government has been taken over by "Conservatives" who are today's embodiment of the Alabama/Mississippi Governors of 1961; why both Jack and Bobby Kennedy were thrown off-guard by their relationships with Governors Patterson and Barnett.  Why the Russians may understand more about our racial behaviors and beliefs than WE do!  You can explain the Conservative preference for Clarence, and Condi, and the "Terrorists" they rely on to keep their game going.  You might also understand why the First Black President is being systematically weakened and denigrated, and our economy is held together by the Federal Reserve.  We may be back to a time like the end of Truman's 2nd Term.

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