Tuesday, June 24, 2014

"BLAME" or "CAUSE"(s ???)

Don't Be Confused!

As the results of their "Handiwork" come rolling in, the Republicans who, (Cretins fully in charge), run our House of Representatives, are, in full bore, cranking out  "BLAME" to throw our FBP and his Administration, out of the White House; while the Middle East unravels!!  On 26Sept2002, an advertisement on the Op-Ed page of the Yew York Times, signed by 33 scholars, laid out, in detail, what would happen if "W" and his merry band invaded Iraq!  http://www.american.edu/sis/faculty/leverett.cfm..

In November, 2006, Mubarak warned the "motley crew" not to "hang" Saddaam; citing consequences:  http://www.foxnews.com/story/2006/11/09/mubarak-warns-against-hanging-saddam/ .  Some Reports claimed that they jerked his head off, with a noose, anyway!   Maliki was Iraqi Prime Minister, then!   THESE ARE CAUSES(?) -- Not, "Blame"?  The blood-thirsty cretins in our Congress don't think you're intelligent enough to understand that.  After all, you swallowed NAFTA, and the Dot.Com theft -- before the invasion.  Following their invasion, this band of cretins watched you swallow the Wall Street/Housing Debacle, and ultimately, their teetering collapse of our entire economy.  Yet they expect you to continue to love and support them??

Another old saying goes:  "Blame" is for GOD and small Children!"  Last I looked, there were no children running Congress -- only racist "Conservatives" that are willing to destroy the world to get one Black Man out of our White House!  Perhaps its their "brains", or other crucial body parts, that are small

You can believe this:  Obama has been a "Miracle Worker" since he stepped into this mess; but the rate and way the Middle East is unraveling today is probably beyond ANYBODY's powers to "fix"!  A new world (perhaps a lot uglier, for a lot of people, than the one we have today) will undoubtedly emerge; if, and when, the carnage stops.

Its a failing of people who think they are "Superior" or, "GODs" or, must always be in CONTROL; to think others are too stupid to make them pay for their foul deeds.  "T'ain't Necessarily So"!

Stay Vigilant!  Time for Whites on this Planet to realize they are submitting to people who will cheerfully see EVERYONE perish in their "CAUSE"!

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