Sunday, June 8, 2014


"Science" DESTROYS the "Cracker-Mind-set"??
A Troublesome Inheritance, by Nicholas Wade, is a book that everyone; especially non-whites who can read and think for themselves, must read!  I've always thought that Genetics, a rapidly evolving, break-through science, would ultimately destroy the vast empire and structure the "Cracker Mind-set"  amassed over the past several centuries.  In the United States, the period beginning in the 1830's, and reaching their peak in the 1840-s with the un-provoked invasion of Mexico by the United States, was also the period when Race in Religion, in Science, and in the Expansionist thinking of the "Exterminator" Presidents, reached its pinnacle.

That is also the period in which Mormonism was "invented".  The Superior Race then was the Anglo-Saxon Race.  The Mind-set informed the nation's response to Reconstruction, and the establishment of JIM CROW.

A "Panic Button" was pressed when Sterling revealed  hidden beliefs by whites and Jews, in 2014, in regard to Blacks.  Reaction across the political spectrum, by whites from the Ultra-Left to the "Fox"-Right, was immediate, and similar.  The Pandora's Box had to be closed, and the perpetrator had to be punished; and, then, rewarded.  His punishment was the forced sale of his Basketball Franchise, and his reward was $2B.

It is long past the time when Blacks, and other non-whites can comfortably allow the exclusive control of all matters involving Race to remain in the hands  of "Bubba", or before him, "Tricky-Dick Nixon" (don't forget Jekyll and Hyde LBJ), and in between, "Mad Ronnie Reagan".  Their true sentiments toward Blacks are, and were, artfully disguised in a way that meets with acceptance by whites; while lulling non-whites back into their pitiful places in our economy, our politics, and our social fabric.  It is yet to be determined whether the saccharine songs of Pope Too will accomplish the same results in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa.  (Recent activities in Uganda will alarm those who honestly pray for "progress").  The despicable behaviors of the Prosecutor, Defense, Judge, and Jury in the Trayvon Martin trial should awaken anyone who has  a pulse to the fact that "progress" in the eradication of Race, is an illusion!

Blacks in the United States should declare their individual "Independence" and define themselves, for themselves!  After nearly 400 years of bed-swapping in the Americas, it is INSANE to allow one drop of African lineage to rule this nation's politics, economics, and social order!  Individual responsibility and initiative in this one area would bring about a real American Revolution!

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