Friday, June 13, 2014

"TWEENERS" : the "FACE(s)" of the 21ST CENTURY?

What's Behind The NUMBERS?

It's clear that traditional color racism has survived, intact, its passage into the 21st century in the U.S.  Whites, with the aid of Institutions like public schools, their "christian" churches, "political" leaders from the South and their sidekicks from other parts of the country, succeed in teaching their children, early, to fear, avoid, or hate blacks and persons of color.  The "upset" in Virginia was staged by those poor whites who are losing their socioeconomic perch to "immigrants" (of color, of course --"The" Border" is their euphemism).

As the borders, drawn on the maps of the Middle East by Britain and France after World War I, melt more rapidly, Britain announces little or no interest.  What's a "wacked-out" McCain to do!!  The SMART MONEY is mindful of the fact that too many of the "insurgents" in the Middle East have white faces, and/or Western Passports.  Because of the Racism embedded in our Immigration Policy; a threat looms to these shores, as a result!  White talking heads in our Media scratch their heads, figuratively, on camera, while their non-white sycophants nod in agreement; claiming that they "can't understand what motivated the Santa Barbara shooter a few weeks back.  If they READ his writing, and understood Racism 101 in the U.S., they would recognize that he was a TWEENER -- someone too close to white, while fearing being treated as if he were black!
An entire new Market is opening up in the U.S. for Tweeners as the numbers for whites continue to decline.
Jendal, in Louisiana, Haley, in South Carolina (East Indians are the world's experts on color racism) come quickly to mind.  Black Americans, accustomed to living for centuries with white-skinned Terrorism, have not yet figured out a strategy to counter these new "overseers" for white Southern racism.

Revisit WASP:  White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant!  This was the "race" preferred by our FOUNDERS.
Reginald Horsman, in RACE and Manifest Destiny, Harvard University Press (1981) shows, in great detail why Anglo-Saxon really means "whiter" white!  He traces the lineage of Angles and Saxons to the Woods of Germany.  Hitler, a pretender to Arianism, thought the Brits were not as "white" as the Germans?  Anyway, they were warring "cousins" in World War II; much as the Israelis and Palestinians are warring "cousins" in the Middle East today.

Back to the "unwashed" in Virginia, who voted out Cantor last week:  Jews in the United States did not reach acceptance by "whites" until long after World War II.  They "arrived" as whites during the Civil Rights struggles of the Sixties.  TWEENER(s):  those not-quite-whites who are brighter than a brown paper bag; live in the kind of fear that Mark Twain described in his book about the Master's baby who was switched by a slave for a baby born at the same time from his wife.  Now that's real Terror!  I don't think you'll see Ted Cruz appearing in public along side his Dad very often -- for more reasons than their extreme-right ideology!
Today: "Conservative" is a blanket term, used to cover everything from "fiscal common sense" to Neo-Con/Neo-Naziism!

The PEW numbers released yesterday (hyped in the Media, inaccurately, as signifying "polarization"), reveal a REAL picture.  The "pulling apart" of the public in the United States, has been covered in the Media for some time in terms of the "splitting away" of the, mostly white,  Middle Class.  It really is a measure of the "DIVIDE" among and within groups of whites, and blacks, and Tweeners.  Expressed in some venues as "Urban vs. Rural", weaknesses; within the groupings  in terms of the chances for "tweener" individual's to "advance";  socially and/or economically, are STARTLING!  Some reports show the Right/Left
Extremes (from Socialist to Neo-Nazi or Neo"Con") as 25% "hard core" for both; ballooning to low 30s; and a MAJORITY in the Middle of 40% ;ballooning to low 60s.  That "Middle" contains (although not broken out) mostly urban dwelling "Liberals" of all colors; and those whites who don't want to live like McCain and Graham!  BUT They DO NOT VOTE! ;especially in Mid-Term Elections.  This could explain why Boehner is in a rush to "Plug the Hole" in HOUSE Leadership before the extreme Right can capitalize on the UPSET in Virginia?

Stay Vigilant!  Are you a Tweener?

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