Save Yourself!, Save Your Country?
Seventy years ago today, I was an "ageing" 4-year-old. My generation still holds vivid memories of those "black-out" years of World War II, and KNOW; unlike the generations that followed us, that all of those who fought and died, or were injured, or returned needing mending in non-medical ways, did so to DEFEAT FASCISM!! Today, very few people understand what that was.
We hear a lot about NAZI(s), and HITLER, but no explanation of who they were, what they believed, and what they did. How did a Democracy lose its form of government to the Tyranny and Brutality of Nazism? Could it happen again? Joe Stalin, a Communist, was our Ally in World War II. Like the "flipping of a switch", our national awareness of Nazism was extinguished and replaced by a militant and virulent Anti-Communism in the United States. The Cold War further served to obliterate awareness of Nazism. We may have done this at our peril!
Elections throughout Europe this year, and politics in the United States since 1960, show drifts to the Hard Right! Today, we are in a place where, politically, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Carter, Johnson and Clinton(?) would not have been considered "Centrist" enough to win national election. The power of Media, Corporations, and Computer-driven FINANCE are crowding out Democracy in favor of policies that limit choice for the Public; in voting, in access to earned income, among economic issues like wages, jobs, and access to health care. Inflation is rising steadily in all areas impacting child-rearing. The Middle Class and the public at large feels "strangled" as a new "Red-Tide" sweeps across the nation. The U.S. Constitution is under attack from persons elected and selected to "Uphold and Defend" it! The Media deliberately eschews Truth and Fact in favor of Gossip, Innuendo, mis-information, partial-information, and outright lies!. The frustration and disillusionment with self-government grows steadily.
The spread of Fascism across Europe, following the end of World-War I, is a subject that desperately needs re-visiting today. Economic hard-ship, the nurturing "soup" of Fascism in the last century, in once-again stalking the planet. This time, with computing power, and "Social Media", Fascist movements can spread more widely and rapidly.
Stay Vigilant! Don't read the new books by "Talking Heads" in our Media. You've already heard them as scripted news! Read books written before 1980!!
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