Non-Whites Have the MOST to Lose??
The FBP is taking Executive Action to address an issue our RECALCITRANT Congress will never take!
By Executive Order, Payments on College Loans can be lowered (but, check the fine print)! Who will benefit?
Probably not a lot of non-whites in this country. Half-Truths in a time of PROPAGANDA are more dangerous than LIES, so be sure to learn about what we're not told about EDUCATION in the United States:
1. Education above the High School Level has historically been preserved for the SONS of rich whites in the United States. It had NO CONNECTION to employment; the students were already RICH!
2. Families and producers of Agricultural Wealth have always been a dedicated adversary to EDUCATION at all levels, and for all poor children -- their labor was needed in the fields and on the range. Non-whites were deliberately kept "barefoot and ignorant"!
3. The Deep South has produced, over centuries, both black and white "Educated" products" who are incredulously "non-productive" in just about any pursuit except "Politics". The levels and types of "ignorance" they retained and proclaim, vary by color and family background. "Religion" is more important to them than "Education"!
4. The Value of "Grades-Based" Degrees have been in steep decline among employers in the U.S. since the 1970s. The costs of "College Degrees" began, at that time, their asymptotic upward spiral, while the value of college "out put" entered steep decline.
5. "Colleges" that sold their stock on Wall Street became notorious, under Cheney/Bush for "swindling" non-whites for "education" that was either worthless, or not delivered to the student. Massive student debt, with no "Education" provided, became a scandal. The numbers that surround permanently un-employed job seekers with huge student debt is "scandulous"!
Careful study BEFORE selecting a school or a "Major", is critical; for a student to have an even chance of "purchasing" a degree that will pay for itself!
Stay Vigilant! Get the WHOLE TRUTH about YOUR education investment! Most Colleges don't need your money!
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