Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Busily Building "Jim Crow-2014"??

Citizens of the U.S. (all colors) should visit the Deep South; from Texas to the Carolinas, and make it a point to visit the BLACK SIDE of town (rural), or the ghettos, in the cities.  You will witness the "left-overs" from JIM CROW, started down there in the 1860s!  The current Republican Hyenas (Palin, Rubio; Santorum; the usual suspects) are in Mississippi; "busy", spending Koch money to renovate the old Jim Crow system into what they hope to operate in 2014.  THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT, however!  Rubio is hoping that citizens like him whose skin shows too much Indios lineage will be inducted into White status; the way Jews in the U.S. were accepted as White (outside the South; but not so in Missouri) in the 1950s.  Also, this time, Poor Whites, who formerly were "Middle Class" (according to Reagan) are forced to join the Blacks on the bottom rung of our economy and in our Society.  No one who "works" for a living is happy with their "pay", or their "quality of life", these days.  If the Republicans get their way at the polls in 2014 (and, if they can cripple Hillary before 2016), these conditions will only get worse!  Check out the evolution of the KLAN(s) into the Neo-Conservative, or Neo-Nazi organizations of today. You can Google Ku Klux Klan and get the entire history.

The MEDIA is in cahoots!  NBC, ABC, CBS, Cable, C-Span, (take your pick); there is no one who is taking a stand against the run-away, Gossip-driven, Propaganda that is disguised as NEWS these days!
It is taking on dangerous, Neo-Nazi trends, as evidenced by the MOB-and SOCIAL MEDIA nature of the Shinseki "Lynching".  The real victims were our nation's veterans, but the prize for the Koch-Hyenas is the vast sums of money now available to them in a "Headless" VA! 

Hot off their victory against  their Shinseki Target (really Obama); they "pivot" to the destruction of newly-freed Sgt Bowe Bergdahl!  Kudos to his home town for standing up against the gossip being spread by this Media-Mob!  If this campaign succeeds, we will be back to a practice that led to our defeat in Vietnam:  "every man for himself" in war.  If we let these Hyenas get away with this, nothing makes any sense! Fewer than 10% of the families in the U.S. had even a hang-nail on the line in the defense of this nation in the Cheney/Bush Wars.  They followed "W"'s advice, and "went shopping"!  Now these chicken-shits demand to sit in judgment of those who served!  The Decent People of this nation should be enraged at the Republicans!  Especially those who have shut down our Government by turning our House of Representatives into a Stable for Hyenas!

Stay Vigilant!  Vote your RAGE against these B*st*rds!!

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