Are Wealthy CRACKERS courting the "PITCH-FORKS" (again)??
We're told that FDR got the "Rich", in our Great Depression of the 1930's, to accept an upper limit of a 90% rate on their Federal Income Taxes, by threatening them with the "Communist" sentiments growing in the country. If so, this may have been the "seed" of the madness that we're seeing in our House of Representatives today. He succeeded, in the longer-run, in driving "Mad Ronnie" (A staunch DEMOCRAT, under FDR) into the arms of the, Neo-Fascists; who rose in this country following World War II. The "false" Communist-Witch Hunts of the 1950s; J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI, obsessed with "Communists" among the uprising of Black Youth in the 1950s and 60s; Co-intellpro, "cooked-Intelligence" that led to the Invasion of Iraq; the list is hundreds of instances long.
Wealthy Crackers have always known how to "use" the less-intelligent, dirt-poor, and more violent whites among them, to "protect" their wealth. That is, in part, what is going on today! "Tea" Rhymes with "T"; and that stands for TRASH! By modifying their terminology and adopting the term: "Conservative"; they've succeeded in recruiting BLACK adherents (also poorer and less-intelligent?); to their cause!
Recent events (Mississippi, for example), may indicate that they have crossed an "invisible" LINE, by throwing too many Whites "under the bus" economically. THEY WANT JOBS, Too!! The Income Inequality that grows from the "stop-Obama-even-if-we-destroy-the country" movement that is proceeding in our House of Representatives and Senate, and in State Houses among the Red States; may have HIT A LIMIT? All of the the People are PISSED at them! The question is whether they decide to express that anger at the Ballot Box this Fall; or go straight for the PITCH-FORKS; to punish those Politicians (in both Parties) who are playing the "anti-Obama-game" in response to their differing Districts. They all recognize the threat posed by their diminishing numbers.
Non-whites don't "get-it" though! That's because, through Religion, they've been led into tactics that betray their true interests. Independence comes from the sort of wealth that leads to POWER! Blacks, and other non-whites have failed, so far, to "grasp" the fact that monetary wealth, coupled with the power of COMMUNITY (held together by Religion) explains the continued success of CRACKERS to stay in power! Non-whites still pin their hopes on some "fuzzy concept of moral persuasion". Whites can play both as "idividuals" seeking wealth, AND keep their COMMUNITY clout! Non-whites CANNOT. The only clout the increasing numbers of non-whites poses is in their VOTES -- which are very easy to manipulate by CRACKERS with Power! They won't throw off the oppression-through -Discrimination by CRACKERS (both, wealthy and poor) UNTIL they "GET-IT".
Stay Vigilant! The "WORMS" are still turning! Blacks and non-whites have to recognize the limits of "personal wealth" (Oprah?) and concentrate on real, economic CLOUT!
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