Friday, May 16, 2014

WHY "WHITES" (don't?; won't? can't?) "INTEGRATE"

Is it back to "Global" Now??

With the threat of "Hillary" for President, and the recent "firing"? of Jill Abramson of the NY Times,; its becoming increasingly clear that two pillars of the world's support system (gender and skin color) are in "crisis".

After what the world had witnessed since 2008, nobody can deny that it's the skin color of the guy elected to clean of the Cheney/Bush mess that has the United States of America "in extremis": economically, fiscally, and socially.  We face the real possibility of the loss of our limited Democracy in the 2014 Congressional Elections.

Why? because WHITE MALES are challenged to share power across race and gender lines.  So far, they are unwilling or unable to do that.  History can be ignored, but it can't be denied for those of us who do not live in some fantasy-world.  Most of us know that White Male Supremacy (Protestant and Wealthy) was the foundation upon which the Founders built the United States of America.  The Civil War ended the Protestant and Wealthy limitations.  On this anniversary of the Brown v. Board Decision in 1954, we celebrate the beginning of the end of the "color" limitation.  The white males, who have wielded the "whip hand" over this nation since the beginning, are now facing the beginning of the end of the "male" part.  The entire world has witnessed, with the two elections of President Barack Obama, the extreme lengths that whites are willing to go, to avoid the inevitable future they face.  Rich white males saw the last barrier of their protection crumble as they threw poor and middle-class whites out of the "boat" that Reagan coaxed them onto.

There is now, with the rise of  "Putinism"  from the former Soviet Union, and the reality that China may surpass the United States this year as the "richest nation" on the planet (held by the U.S. since the 1880s), the need to recognize that White Male Supremacy was exported across our planet by Europe-- it was not created in the Americas, and it cannot be ended here!.  The vehicle of export, historically, has been  Catholicism, a new religion created in Rome in the 5th Century, and based on antipathy to any and all things not "white".  

Over time, the "religion" shifted from "Christ" to "Control"; principally of the world's wealth.  In the 21st Century the battle rages on all fronts as the embattled white males of the globe struggle to retain their grip on the peoples under their control.  In the Americas in the beginning, the gun, the sword, and the whip were the main tools of control over all those who were not "born in Europe".  Over time, control of access to wealth became the standard tool for their control.  Today, the concentration of money, in terms of assets and organization, are the pattern.  Globally, in addition to Putin, Europe has to battle China, India, and a growing number of "non-white" governments who are vying for more of a voice in world affairs.  Cheney/Bush destroyed the grip of "fear" that has sustained Europeans so well for so long.  They wasted the amassed treasure of "fear of whites" and "blind belief" in the various forms of  "Christian Exceptional-ism".  Organized sports players (those thought most beyond reach) are beginning to wake up and to see the intersection of race, and sports, and money).

Stay Vigilant!  "Integration" that is one-sided, is really "acceptance" of the worst of the old order?  What is our path from here?

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