Saturday, May 17, 2014

"BUBBLE", "BUBBLE"; Toil and ...

...the Pay grows "Less and Less"!

We've all been fixated on the Housing "Bubble"; the Hi-Tech "Bubble"; etc., and we fail to realize that those are all FINANCIAL Bubbles.  There are other, much more important and dangerous "bubbles" we ought to be concerned about.  BUBBLE (defined): A condition that occurs when Price and Value get dangerously out of line.  There's an old saying that defines a Cynic as someone who knows the Price of Everything, and the Value of Nothing!  Does that fit our Millineals?  Especially those who are Trust Babies (living off money they didn't earn)??  Who is to decide what is  "dangerously out of line"?  The rat-pack of course, all of  those who think they'll "get out" ahead of everyone else.  That seems to be the story of 2008; (and 2014?); in a nutshell!

Religions have been running the oldest of "Bubbles" on our planet; and are the animus behind the mass killings that seem to be spreading.  When religions hide inside a "culture" or nation , or "economy" (Think Israel and Syria?), its truly amazing how quickly everything can collapse: wiping out centuries of  "progress".  The Financial, or Speculative Bubbles are tied to Modern Capitalism, that is attributed to Karl Marx.  Marx is also "credited" with theory of Communism. Facism, born in Roman Christianity, has survived both Hitler and Mussolini, and gained a new lease on life in the Americas.  You will know a Fascist by the trait of Totalitarianism that is ever present. (Coercion, in the case of the Governor Christie Model).  

Today, the world is caught between the death of  those twin "bubbles, (or religions?).  In their places seem to be two evolving types of "Criminal Bubbles" -- one of the sort being created by Putin to replace the Communism of the Old Soviet Union, and the other, playing out in our Government and Corporate Structures.  We have our "choice" of speculations; either those criminals who steal in the name of some corporate structure, or those who operate inside  our Government (all levels).  

Media infuses  these "Bubbles" with immense power over human perception.  Just think: less than two months ago, the entire planet was obsessed with a disappeared nite flite carrying more than 200 people.  Now, nobody gives a "Sh*T"!, and that story has been made to "disappear"  from our collective consciousness.  If that doesn't scare you, you're probably beyond help! 

Although "Capitalism" may be on shaky ground these  days, "Capital" is NOT.  Only those who have and can control Capital will survive the economic turns we're in.  As we move through this phase, Media, and Religion are in control!  There's a story, told my Michener, I think,  about the woman who assisted the Aztec Priests as they cut out the hearts of  young boys and rolled their bodies down the Temple steps.  When she saw her son among the "sacrificials", she pushed the Priest off the Temple and watched his body roll down among the dead!  The sacrifices stopped, the Religion died, and the Culture followed.  The world is overdue for this kind of "Spring Cleaning"!

Stay Vigilant!  Life at the "Margins" in the Global Economy will consume YOU, eventually!

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