What Does It Look Like? Who's At Risk??
Those trouble-making, war-mongering Katzenjammers in our Senate (McCain and Graham) need to do a little reading and less yakking in the MEDIA!. I strongly urge them to pick up and read a copy of Peter Drucker's Post-Capitalist Society (1993). Chapter 3, Labor, Capital, and Their Future, states:
"We have already moved into an "employee society" where labor is no longer an asset. We equally have moved into a "capitalism" without capitalists - which defies everything still considered self-evident truth, if not "the laws of nature" by politicians."
Why do we allow these loud-mouths to continually appear on the Sunday Talk Shows, spouting their garbage about world affairs, when they obviously are the type of politician Drucker referred to in 1993?
In these troubled times, we need Leaders, not Propagandists in their positions. Do they read? Is anyone on their staffs aware of these fundamental changes that have been progressing steadily over the past several decades?
This week's AARP Bulletin contains an article citing Age Bias. It appears evident that workers, aged 50 to 65, are systematically being targeted for dismissal in order to save costs for the companies, and to robb the workers of their retirement benefits. These same workers, (mostly middle class whites) paid no attention while lower class workers were mistreated in the workplace. "First they came for my neighbor; then they came for me ...??
Warfare, in the 21st Century, will wear many masks. Politicians can continue to spin their lies to keep their various games going, while all people, of all races, income classes, nationalities, religions, tribes, etc. are systematically exploited by Money Capital. Human Capital is mostly ignored by economists, politicians, Financial Markets, Central Bankers; while the financial and social rape and ruin continues to spread. This sets the ground for what Putin has seized upon: the ability of Governments to increase their power by setting neighbor against neighbor.
What is at stake is the complete re-making of our economic and social lives; no matter who are, or where we live. The MEDIA is very good at creating distractions. The most recent may be the campaign about the kidnapped girls in Nigeria. While everyone's attention is being called to that intractable issue; the steady diminution of buying power, and ability to control one's own life, continues unabated, EVERYWHERE.
Who Gains?? Money Capital, first and foremost; then State Actors, like Putin; then those states who can
effectively manage their national assets, while working to destroy the assets of competing nations.
Stay Vigilant! Those Hooligans in Nevada, also, represent the new face of Warfare, in a Post-Capitalist Society. Individuals have much too much to learn in order to protect themselves. They are easily picked off by race, age, residency, etc. Politicians are exactly the WRONG TEACHERS!!
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