Monday, May 19, 2014

"GOOD LUCK" escapes to FRANCE ...

... in search of "LOST" GIRLS??

 More than fifty years ago, when JFK was our President, I wrote a book review for one of my classes at San Francisco State, investigating the "Winds of Change" in sub-Saharan Africa.  Colonialism had begun its "wane" in Africa.  I met, and had many conversations with, a bright Ghanaian; who was studying Hospital Administration,  brought to the United States by our State Department.  With leaders like Kwame  Nkhrumah, the future for that part of Africa seemed to be very bright.  After the murder of JFK, all of that changed drastically.  The parade of so-called "leaders" for that part of Africa, all of whom were openly manipulated by Europe, has been been "sickening" to watch!  In the meantime, Black Africa has sunk further and further  into the morass of tribal and religious hatreds left behind by the Europeans; who fed, and used them, adroitly, to rule during the Colonial Period.

Fast-forward to 2014, and we find Nigeria, the fastest growing, both in population and wealth, nation in the region, led by "Good Luck".  There is a crisis there today, because Nigeria is becoming a world player in oil production and distribution.  With the widespread eruption in tribal and religious violence in Sub-Saharan Africa, from Sudan, to Libya (on the Mediterranean), we see the FRENCH re-appear.  "Massa", obviously, was not that far in the "background", it would seem.  

We only have to ponder for a moment the long-suffering plight of Haiti at the hands of the French.  (By the way, when will be see a public accounting of all that loot collected by "W" and "Bubba" several years back, to "restore" Haiti after the massive earthquake??)  Not since Toussaint kicked the Royal Butt of Napoleon have the French allowed ANYONE to help Haiti in any substantial way.  That includes the infamous Duvalier s, ;  used by the French as their on-site "overseers" to oppress that pitiful country.  European treatment of "Africans" has been "traditional" since; it seems.

While the Media is harping (for now) about the "lost girls", don't miss the sub-text of this story.  The kidnapped girls have yet to be found.  Eerily; so does that lost passenger jet full of more than 200 souls, that our MEDIA has lost interest in.

The psychological and emotional "bait and switch" routine applied by our global Media only makes it harder for "sovereign citizens" in "Democracies" to make clear and rational decisions.

Stay Vigilant!  Try to keep your eye "on the ball"??  No wonder! that whites remain "afraid" of blacks?

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