Friday, May 2, 2014


What "WHITES" Don't "Teach"??

The NBA "Race" Scandal strikes at the very heart of what makes the United States "Tick", at this point in the 21st Century.  If "Sports" is the new "Circus"" in the "Bread and Circuses" ; very old social and economic conditions  that, we're taught, brought down the Roman Empire and Civilization;  then, we're ALL at risk from this scandal!

Destroy the "Sports" Industry and you essentially bring down what keeps our economy "passive" enough for the BIG MONEY elites to continue running their games of Control?? Think about it!

Given the wide understanding that Martin Luther King, (unlike Malcolm X), was blind to the economic root of the racial integration troubles that surfaced as Lunch Counter Sit-ins in the deep South (until just before his Death, that is); it is all the more surprising that young black basketball players, from disastrously poor educational backgrounds, have stumbled into a position to change the entire economics of "Sports".  Who will fill the vacuum, economically?  Black Entertainment figures? Black Sports "Heroes"?  Black "Ministers"?  Some combination of Black and White "Conservatives"? or, "Liberals"?  or NONE OF THE ABOVE?

W.E.B. Du Bois, in Souls of Black Folk ,(1903) told us that "LAW" in the United States (after the Civil War) became "anything the white man said it was".  Plessy v. Ferguson, and Dred Scott, SCOTUS rulings in the late 1800s, told us two things:

Whites decide who is white and who is not (one drop of African ancestry makes a person "black").
No person who is not white has any rights to own anything that any white person wishes to claim.

Whites since that time live in dread of some proof that they have a "drop" of African lineage.  Blacks, and other non-whites, since that time (and certainly before that time) had never been sure they could really "own" anything.  These conditions persist today, as the United States tries to fashion a 21st Century "Reconstruction" to stop those Blacks who are pressing for more economic freedom, and those non-white immigrants who threaten the "Majority" Status of whites, always assumed to exist for whites.  Whites have always spoken of the "American People" as whites only; it was simply understood that non-whites were permanently "marginalized" economically, socially,  and legally.  There remains a lingering question in the Cracker Mind as to whether people who are not white are "human"?  The prevailing Christian Religions were the source and remain the institutions that enforce the Mind-Set.  It dominates our Media, Education Institutions, and most other institutions.  Our failure to seriously eradicate the impact of Laws and Court Rulings buttressing  these prevailing beliefs, has set the stage for our current dilemmas with Putin and his dream of a "New" Russia.

Stay Vigilant!  The Color Line in the 21st Century has gone Global, and linked up with Ethnic and Tribal Lines, that, coupled with new "Social Media" technology, has set the stage for Civil Wars all over the planet.
SCOTUS, today, poses more dangers to our Constitutional structure than the Taney Court!!

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