Friday, May 9, 2014


The Most Evil of the Two

I 'm writing this after viewing two, juxtaposed,  Charlie Rose interviews; of Lynne Cheney and Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe.  When the two things that, I feel, could ultimately destroy the United States, and, perhaps, civilized life on this planet, are are involved in one T.V. show, I sit up and pay close attention!  Those two things: White Supremacy and Sex-based Violence.  Neither will be easy to "overcome".  White Supremacy is inseparable from  Christianity on this planet, and Sexual Violence is endemic in the way Male Humans are "socialized" in most cultures.  Both are deeply "individual" in their threat to society, but "collective" in the manner in which they are dispersed and reinforced.  Both are deeply rooted in the Female;  as keeper of the "faith"; enforcers of societal beliefs within both children and adults,;and as most impacted "victims"!

In my career, I have, on two occasions had the misfortune of living in areas where Presidents like to stay or play when they travel.  In both cases, in Seattle, and in Florida, I've had to pass through Security to get home at the end of the day.  Clinton, in Seattle; Cheney/ Bush in South Florida.

Back to Lynne:  I first became aware of her deeply-rooted White Supremacist leanings when she and Bill Bennett, both "shills" for White Supremacy in the Reagan Administration, would "hold forth" on C-Span, propagating their slants on White Supremacy and American "Culture".  Feeling that she was "misguided" by her limited education, I gifted Lynne with a copy of my 1972 Master's Thesis, American Values in Black and White.  We all learned, later, of Bennett's deeply held "Cultural" beliefs when he was revealed as a closet gambling addict, in private rooms set up for him by Casinos.

White Supremacy is most dangerous because of its roots in Religion, Culture, and all aspects of the lives of humans who are born into the ages-old divide instituted by the early Catholic Church when it invented its European version of Christianity.  It is deeply embedded in persons who see themselves as "white"; and their victims; throughout our history.  It is also deeply embedded in those who will protect that belief, at all cost, and in any guise.  The sad truth is that a true White Supremacist is incapable of fully respecting anyone that they define as "not-white".  The power to determine and define "whiteness" rests with "whites", and the institutions they control.

Violence, connected with human sexuality, is a learned behavior that too many males acquire from association with animals in their "natural" state.  The Military in the United States has tapped into this phenomenon to get young males prepared to kill (Susie Rottencrotch; Madonna-Whore).  Many White Ethnic and Deep South Whites adhere strongly to these practices in their attraction to non-white sex targets.  The illicit sex-trade depends on this violent aspect of sexuality for the huge profits of their trade.

As defenders of White Supremacy, therefore, those who, especially, strive to disguise,or make it "more acceptable" are  the most evil people among us (Mourning Joe).  Of, course, they don't see themselves that way; be they the Southern  "Corn-pone" Christians of our Deep South, (including the black ones), or, our Italian and Irish Catholic Ethnics of our North.  Only someone like Lynne Cheney could see Condi Rice as a "role-model" in the 21st Century!  (For Whom??)  White Supremacists; especially the artful and popular personages who have "winning ways",  are most dangerous for all of us, regardless of skin color; much more than  the "dominative" RACISTS.

Stay Vigilant!  These issues are tough ones!  That's why they are so dangerous for human beings.

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