Tuesday, May 27, 2014


How Many "Buckets" are there,in the U.S.

The dirty little secret about "Race" in the U.S. is, that anyone with eyes gets to "question" the "Race" of anyone else.  If the "eyes" come packaged in indisputably "white" skin (naturally blond hair helps), then those people also get to "judge" the Race of others.  As with the Tsarnaev Brothers who bombed the Marathon in Boston;  Elliott Rodgers' "Race", also, has come into question.  White Media is hasty to cast aspersions on anyone who is white, or,"passing" for white, if they're guilty of some form of Terrorism.  White citizens of the U.S. can't yet "process" Terrorism if it is practiced by white males.  The "White Bucket" allows its members to "kick-down" exclusively.  It's chilling that Rodgers singled out White, Blond, Females as his targets. 

Read Jefferson, De Tocqueville, Montesquieu, or Andy Jackson and Sam Houston, and you'll know how and why those whites who left Europe for other parts of the planet carried with them the intent and need to slaughter, and/or enslave, and "brainwash", (kidnapped non-white children, especially) people of Color.  From that centuries-long history they developed an economic engine that has empowered and enriched the West over time.  In this post-Soviet Union era, with tensions from both the Old Russia and the New China, "Capitalism" is struggling for a recognizable, and defend-able  face in the 21st Century.  Lady de Rothschild convenes today in  London a gathering of  "250 delegates from 37 countries and 35 business sectors representing assets under management of about $30 trillion" to discuss "The Will to Make Capitalism Fairer; The Means To Do It."  "Bubba" Clinton will be there along with other "usual suspects".

It appears that they are more interested in keeping their system alive, than in making it inclusive for those who remain "marginalized". Victims, like Rice and Thomas, are enlisted to support the inequities of the current system.  Keynes, following the structural financial failure of the late 1920s and 1930s, gave us the answer:  "capital" must be allowed to flow freely among all who partake in the system.  We have never done that.  Most non-whites have been carefully "condtioned" to be incapable of functioning in a Capitalist System that is both fair and inclusive.  "Bubba" is the first to know that!  Unfortunately, Black and other non-white Representatives in our Federal Governent of the United States are doomed to view Racial Matters as a Social Phenomenon -- not an Economic one!

Last night, Charlie Rose asked his guest, Bryan Cranston, who after "Walter White, in Breaking Bad", is playing LBJ; Why can't Obama be more like LBJ.  Cranston's reply was typical of those fearful of losing their place in the white bubble.  Both Charlie and Cranston failed to notice that LBJ did not face a racially-hostile Congress.

Stay Vigilant!  Changing the "furniture" inside Jim Crow won't remedy anything in the 21st Century!

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