Monday, May 5, 2014



Syria; Crimea; Ukraine; and, now, Nevada??  Technological changes often bring about other change that is not clearly recognized; often mistaken for some obvious benefit, while a hidden evil takes longer to emerge.  Such could be the case for SOCIAL MEDIA??  It's obvious by now that PROPAGANDA in 2014 is a very different, and much more dangerous evil, than it was in Germany leading up to World War II.

What is the underlying reason?  Peter Drucker taught, that Religions invented  real powers from their ability to control access to information.  Governments followed in the wake of powerful Religions,  and copied that technique; thereby, inducing a dependence upon Government, and also providing a means for UNITING the governed in their perception of threats and rewards.  Before Social Media emerged in its current form, Governments were witnessing a loss in power, as Citizens were able to find alternative sources for information.  The advent of Social Media has rapidly accelerated that  flight to alternative sources for information.  It has, also, accelerated the turn away from Government, at the Federal level, and a rise in the challenges to the powers of Government.  In the United States, President Ronald Reagan, a friend of the George Wallace-style revolts against the central powers granted to the Federal Government by our Constitution; began a campaign to convince (mostly racist white citizens) that "THE GOVERNMENT" (Federal) was THE PROBLEM!  For What? Whatever beleaguered citizen could substitute as a grievance.  Most of the stated reasons masked other, less honorable ones. 

Into the fray was drawn Rupert Murdoch and his Propaganda Rags, joined by adherents like Roger Ailes, who built the Propaganda Machine known as FOX NEWS.  Add to this the phenomenon of weakening Governments, across the planet, as people returned to Religious, Racial, Regional, Ethnic, and Tribal roots for support.
We have seen country after country implode.  We now see one of our States, Nevada, where the Governor and one of its Senators, are sympathetic with armed insurgents that have taken up arms against Federal Government operations in their state.  Those insurgents are now terrorizing other citizens of the state.  Two Representatives of the terrorized citizens at the Federal Level are acting to protect the citizens, while the Governor and one of the Senators have not acted to protect  all citizens of the state.

The Off-Year Congressional Election this Fall, is targeted by those practicing non-military insurrection against the Federal Government (FROM WITHIN the Government)  to gain full control of the federal LEGISLATIVE Branch.  They hope to add to their control, since 2000, of the JUDICIAL Branch and our national Justice System.  With two of the three branches of our federal government, designed by our Founders to prevent Concentration of Power in the hands of Factions, they can overpower the Executive Branch.  Foreign interests see this, while the insurgents blame the phenomenon on the current President.
Stay Vigilant!  Your VOTE is your only weapon to turn away this threat to the United States.  Umder our Constitution, the PEOPLE are SOVEREIGN; and, therefore, are the GOVERNMENT!  Wallace and Reagan were master propagandists who haveset the stage for the SUPER PROPAGANDA that dominates our MEDIA, worldwide, today.

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