"Return" ..to the Scene of the Crime?
To those of us with more than a 6th grade education, the significance of the juxtaposition of Benghazi and Carthage is obvious. From the rest, we can guage the impact of the ignorance that is feeding the likes of Putin, Romney, Mitch McConnell, Graham/McCain, Boehner, Bachmann, Eastwood, Clive Bundy; and the new "GQ Slickster" Boehner has chosen to lead the "Inquisition" (read: "Select Committee") on Benghazi.
Carthage evokes the ultimate in "REVENGE" for perceived wrongs. It is also the place where Scipio Africanus avenged Rome for the Rape of Italy at the hands of Hannibal. It signifies the seed of anti-African biases that have infected the entire planet through the teachings and institutions of Catholicism and European Christianity, for more than 1500 years. It has taught the entire planet to fear, distrust, and even hate all things and persons who are not white. Those with enough native sense to recognize the fallacy inherent in these teachings, are, nevertheless, trapped into a system that requires them to "play along" in some way. Feted as "Fascist Italy's most spectacular costume epic", Mussolini's 1938 film sets forth their triumph. http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=scipio+africanus&tag=mh0b-20&index=stripbooks&hvadid=1464766742&ref=pd_sl_9nuj2y6why_ee
Mitch McConnell, the old Kentuckyian, who knows a thing or two about "RACE-horses", trotted out his trusty steed, in November, 2008, the moment he recognized that Barak Obama would win the Presidency of the United States. Joining with traditional Southern "Christian" Racists, "Evangelicals" , and, strangely, Netayanhu of Israel, this combination of money, political talent, and rabid conviction, set about to destroy the President's chances of repairing the damages their fellow White Supremacists had brought upon the country since 2000. Having failed, spectacularly, TWICE, to prevent his re-election in 2012; these forces have designed their "make or break" run for 2014, with the twin targets of Hillary Clinton's threatened run in 2016, and President Obama's remaining term in office.
A strange thing is happening, however. Some more intelligent whites in the South are moving to counter the activities of the "wack-o's" among them. "Sane, white Democrats are emerging in Georgia, and Virginia. Could it be that, as the Old Racists flee the South for the Inter-Mountain West, the remainder becomes "blacker" and more "Democrat"? Speaking of strange things, we witnessed over the weekend a grown, black male "crying tears of joy" for being "selected" to the Plantation of Big Leave Football! Go figure??
In Sub-Saharan Africa (the black part the Europeans controlled most closely) we see young, backward, black males, brandishing modern weapons they did not make or buy, as they "kidnap" young girls. The Media of the world concentrates on the color of the males, but NOT the guns provided to them! Why?
Buckle your seatbelts! The run for November is in full swing. Will the Race-Riders Win??
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