We's Takes Yo' MONEY, and Feeds U Bullsh*t!
Could this be the banner under which the Elites of the 21st Century are now operating? So far, they're winning, it seems. The Propaganda Machines that pass for "News Media" are profiting and proliferating. Politicians are breaking down doors to get out of politics, and into "Media". All the money to be made these days, can be found in "foolin the public". Putin is doing better by taking off his shirt than Obama is doing by "talking". But, can it last?
In the mid-80s, as he described what we could expect as the "Global Economy" progressed, Peter Drucker told us:
"The Global Economy cannot be sustained without Global Institutions like; International LAW, a fair Justice System, Banking, Postal Systems that are safe and reliable, etc.
So far, we have none of that. The "winners" of the Cold War -- European Capitalists -- have been able to "run the table" since 1989. Cheney/Bush screwed that up, once they seized power in the U.S. They destroyed the centuries-old effectiveness of European Military Might with their invasion of Iraq on false pretense, and their destruction of the global economy in 2008. We are left, today, with the "aftermath" of European "Exceptional ism" aka "White Supremacy"??
The rest of this century will probably be spent struggling with the shreds left to us by Cheney/Bush and the capability of the BIG MONEY interests to step into the vacuum. It certainly will not be pretty. We're in the stage now of determining whether the poorer whites, who clearly have been "dumped" by the Elites, will continue to support them domestically. The Tea Party performance in today's elections will begin to tell us the answer. The 2014 Off-Year Elections in the United States will probably set the pattern for what comes next on the international stage.
That's the TOP-DOWN picture. What is the BOTTOM-UP picture? Since "Occupy" fizzled, the White Right is feeling pretty good about taking Congressional control this Fall. What about the non-whites who are gaining numbers and soon will be the demographic majority. Here, again, the U.S. will probably determine the pattern. In the "Developing" Nations, those citizens who were lucky enough to gain good educations, (think Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas?), voted with their feet and left their fellow citizens behind, as they migrated to Europe and to the United Nations in New York City. The more "unfortunate" were left behind to fend for themselves amid religious and economic strife.
Latin America, according to the most recent issue of Americas Quarterly, is looking to ORGANIZING, beyond race, nation, religion, and tribe to find ways to improve the economic, political, and social standing of its citizens. They are also seeking more VOICE, and DECISION POWER in world affairs.
The Catholic Church, the source of TOP-DOWN power structure in Latin America, will face a challenge to its historic role from the "Consulta Previa" resulting from the adoption of International Labour Organization Convention 169 (ILO 169). Check it out!
The technologies of Social Media may promise a cure, yet, for the violence-prone struggles emanating from
Sub-Saharan Africa.
Stay Vigilant! What keeps the Citizens of the U.S. in their "deep slumber"??
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Nations for "Jobs". Elites, like Condoleeza Rice, and Clarence Thomas, hired out to the White Right and enabled the debackles
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