Of Generations and Millinea
Donald Sterling attacks "Magic" Johnson : http://nba.si.com/2014/05/12/donald-sterling-magic-johnson-aids-clippers-owner-cnn/. He's old! At eighty, he's both old enough to "know better" and too old to "help himself".
Such is the nature of White Supremacy in the Americas, and in he World!. At a time when Europe is more worried about "Sterling", and other currencies, than they are about Putin and his creation of a new "Eurasian" version of "Russian Supremacy"; it appears Europeans think they can continue to appease Vladimir and "buy him off"! It's a fool's posture, but, nevertheless, that's what we're seeing. Refer to my earlier Blog: The Quicksilver of White Racism in the U.S. (7/15/2012), and you will see how a young, white, female "talking head" in our Media spreads the 21st Century version of this delusion. Generations, and "age" will not excuse, or lessen, the danger (to ALL of US) that this 1500+ years-old practice continues into the future for our children.
Mourning Joe, Joe Kernan, Rick Santelli, Mario Rubio, Ted Cruz, Graham/McCain, Boehner, and all like them who barrage us constantly in the Media with their contempt for all things Obama, extend, along with Rush Limbaugh, the current version of what keeps whites dominant, in all aspects of the lives of non-whites,; and keeps non-whites "marginal", both socially and economically. Rubio and Cruz represent non-black, non-whites, who, along with Clarence and Condi, act as if they believe that White Supremacy must be continued.
Financial "Hegemons", who back Red-State tactics to extend the control of the White-Right from our Deep South, into the Inter-Mountain West and Southwest, are flooding the public airwaves with messages aimed at taking the Senate in the Fall of 2014.
Watch for signs of "self-censoring" by white "talking heads" in our Media. Blacks are "dubbed" and "scripted" much more carefully, and its easier to tell when they're speaking "their own" minds. Even athletes are beginning to "wake up" to their own complicity in this mess. Karem Abdul Jabar does a pretty good job in the latest TIME issue. I'm not sure that many readers of any color or persuasion will have the sophistication or "education" required to understand what Jbar is telling us.
Stay Vigilant! Its a lot like Kudzu, that evil weed that took over the Deep South. It's roots are so strong, and Putin is issuing a new version that spreads the Ethnic and Asian ties.
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