Is That the "RUB" in the U.S.?
For much of my approaching 75 years, we've joked in this country: "We're From The GOVERNMENT, and We're here to HELP!" You could always get a laugh with that line. After Mad Ronnie and his 1980's crap, that line was no longer funny. Reagan's goal to "starve" the Federal Government into extinction, has largely been met over the ensuing decades, by ever-more-extreme politicians who have succeeded in ruining our economy with "deficits as far as the eye can see"!
Why the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT? Because of the Commerce Clause in our Constitution, used by Presidents from Eisenhower to Kennedy to quell insurrection and nullification from Deep South States over Civil Rights. The Racists wanted to have free reign and control over those GOVERNMENTs that remained:
State Governors; State Legislatures, County Governors and Legislators; Regional Governments; City Governments and their Councils; School Boards; (and even Dog Catchers, I guess). Reagan, a gifted, sinister, and not to well educated man, KNEW that the average "JOE" was more stupid than he was; not very observant, and at least mildly racist.
Nixon had set up the "Third-Party-Payment" scheme for medical "care" in the 1970s. Those three parties were the Doctors, Hospitals, and Federal Government. Insurance Companies and Employers "muscled" in and took over; eventually turning the Doctors into Slaves, and limiting the "wiggle" room for Hospitals. Religions, who had "cornered" the Hospital market through their "charity" tradition, sold their Hospitals to syndicates for "fat profits" -- and you know the rest. Where was the Patient? In the middle, of course, between the Government (federal money bag), and either the Doctor, or the Hospital, or both. Employers had already "hooked" up with the FEDs through Payroll Taxation.
Unbeknownst to the the average,"JOE" , actuarial data showed as early as the mid-seventies, that this scheme would "blow up". Why, because due to a revolution in pharmaceuticals; Doctors and Hospitals came under pressure as Surgeons, the MASTERS of MEDICINE ,didn't need to CUT people as much. Oops! To make matters worse, patients stopped dying on time! Ooops (again).
Since our Founding, the U.S. has been a nation designed to take Europe's "undesirables" and provide them a haven where they could seek their fortunes by exploiting Native Americans (for land), and Chattel Slaves (for labor, creativity, ingenuity, and anything else whites (males, at first) desired. You see: U.S. Citizens who run things here, came here to BE SERVED, NOT to "serve", or even to "CARE"! Ooops! How did we miss that?
What is to happen to the poor PATIENT in this dog-pile? They are in the middle, and in the way; caught between the Seekers of Jobs, or Riches, in the Medical or "Health" Care Industry, and the Federal Government Money Bags. Problem for those Killers of the Federal Government -- who will pay the money to these greedy, and ever-less-competent "Care Givers"? Oops, yet again. I told you, Reagan and his followers weren't the "Smartest Tools". Romney's solution is put us all under CORPORATE Dictates!
Stay Vigilant! Pity the poor Patient who may also be a Veteran from our Wars??
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