Look More Closely to find the "Skunk"??
A Clue, for "older" Veterans who are still fighting, as I was for more than 20 years, to get their cases handled by the VA:
(1) If you chose an organization like the American Legion, or G.I. Forum to "Advocate" for you;
get rid of them, and become your own advocate. I was constantly turned down until I did that, because the VA Specialists are not allowed to help you directly, they must defer your case to your "advocate". It is precisely this system that has opened the door to the Mess the VA has become over the past several decades.
(2) Keep your own copy of your records. Military records: even if its only loose pages; all of your doctors records: your evaluations, etc. The VA is "up "sh*t creek" when it comes to finding old records. Your "advocates" are busy grooming their organization's image for fund-raising purposes. Good Luck!
The Grand Deceivers (Republicans) are busy dismantling our Government as designed by the Founders of our Nation. They are well funded, well organized, and will stop at nothing to protect their own interests (Money, and Complete Control). Even their GOD (Reagan -- the most artful deceiver) Warned: TRUST, but VERIFY!! The Republicans can count you to not verify, or, even question their basic motives. SHAME ON US, for that. Question EVERYTHING, EVERYONE, and, especially anything you trust BLINDLY in this era controlled by Super Propaganda. Use you wits, if you have any left.
Congress enabled all of this, criminal politician, by criminal politician. Every administration, since I began voting in 1960, has selected an Agency in the Executive Branch for its "piggy bank". Johnson's crew exploited HUD,; the "process" moved around the Executive Branch, to Agriculture, EPA, Education, -- Check it out! Why? because Congress realized in 1970 that the country had become too complex to manage the way the Framers of Our Constitution designed the Checks and Balances system that served us so well before then.
What did they do? They began passing "Themes and Dreams" in place of Laws. They threw these over to the "Regulatory Agencies". Then they set up Congressional Committees, in infiltrate those agencies with their "own" people. With the Power of the Purse (in the House), they could lavish or starve any part of the Executive Branch they chose. President Kennedy learned the limits on the Powers of the President when Congress was opposed to him. It was always easy to keep the President "in the dark", if necessary. The President's power became weaker over time in the good ways of our past (FDR and Truman), and stronger in the ways demonstrated by Cheney/Bush. Got the Picture?
Example: in one of my classes while studying for my first Masters Degree, I learned that, in 1970, some doctor from the Deep South, bought some old ramshackle chicken coops, loaded them with "Old Folk" and billed Medicare more than $1M in one year for "medical services". Congress refused to act in 1970, individual Politicians, saw the "goldmine" ... and you know the rest of the story.
It ani't Gen.Shinseki we should be worried about, whether you are a veteran or not! Worry about what is happening in your House of Representatives, and in your State House, and in your Country!
Stay Vigilant! Pull your heads out of places like "Mourning Joe". Looks like he's becoming a shill for Romney?
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