Sunday, May 25, 2014


"GOVERNMENT" is the "PROBLEM"; so WE must "GOVERN"??

Un-masked; this reveals the true strategy of Koch-driven campaigns to re-take power by the Extreme Right in the United States in 2014.  Google your copy of  "The Case for Reparations" in the latest issue of the Atlantic Monthly.  The title is a misnomer; ignore "reparations" as the fantasy it has always been;  the article provides the finest detail I've ever seen in one place of the stupendous, global, "economy" that was spawned by 'King Cotton'  in the Antebellum South of these United States.

We are, perhaps at a beginning of a Great Awakening on this planet?  Recent statements by the likes of Michael Jordan, Pele, and Jabron indicate a shift.  There is a definite shift in stance regarding the economics of organized sports, globally, and a realization that Malcolm was right:  no matter how much education, or wealth you amass, "whites" will "own" non-whites in some way; UNLESS they take personal steps to avoid that outcome. 

Even those "TWEEN-ERs" (not white; but more importantly, not "black"), who have made out like fat rats playing both sides of the race game, are coming to realizations that the price they must pay, only to continue to be rejected by whites, is too dear.  Master Marco, and Terrible Teddy Cruz are still hopeful that lightning will strike and Nancy Reagan, or Jeb Bush will gain them "access" into the "white" club.  Events near Santa Barbara over the weekend seem to indicate that "Terrorism" has now become a weapon of choice by some of the "Tweeners"?? (read the "Manifesto").  Other "Tweeners" include Bobby Jendal, and the Governor of South Carolina.  If they look back to their native India, they will find that their roots (race, caste) are being ripped out at home; witness the outcome of the massive election just held there.

The issue is MONEY flows, in a global economic future that lacks Institutional Safeguards; like enforceable International Laws, Banking Institutions, Postal Capabilities, etc.  We're facing, thanks to Putin, a Global WILD-WEST.  Hollywood has not fashioned a LIE like "Cowboys with White Hats" to cover the realities of the Mountain Men, and "Gunslingers" of our OLD WEST.  Take a look at "Shane", if you dare  You will find it hard to miss the TRUTH of Wild-West existence.

How do they profit from Kleptocracy?  Whether it was Bootlegging, Drug trading, Human Trafficking,, the same (white) elites reap the money at the top.  The system was perfected following the collapse of Chattel Slavery in the U.S. Civil War; with "Reconstruction" that led to Jim Crow in the U.S, and Colonization in other parts of the world.  The money flows have changed very little since the first Elizabeth invented the Corporation!  Our State Department has labored diligently over the past 100 years or more to export that system to the Globe.  If the Koch-Agents succeed in gaining the Senate of the United States this Fall, Putin will be the winner; as he continues to drive his wedge to break up the EU.

Stay Vigilant!  This ain't your garden-variety Racism, anymore!  Pull your head out and KEEP UP!
The MEDIA serves as a drug; to mislead you, and keep you a victim (are you "poor whites" listening)??

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

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