Saturday, May 3, 2014

"It's a BARNUM & BAILEY World"??

Just as RACIST as it's Always Been?

Yesterday's BLOG, re:  "BLACK-O-NOMICS" introduced the "Circus" Part of BIG SPORTS in the United States.  This BLOG addresses the "Bread" part.  Those of you who are readers outside the United States may not know, but Black American slang has, for decades, referred to Money as "Bread".

Well, "Bread" is in extremely short supply in the "States" today.  Only the BIG MONEY boys have unlimited access to "Bread".  They have more than they know what "to do" with!  They have defaulted on Mad Ronnie Reagan's promise to poor whites to keep them tucked into the back of the bus for whites.  Post 2008,  Whites, middle class and below, have been thrown "under the bus" by Elite Whites.  Republicans refuse to raise minimum wages, create jobs to replace those lost on their watch; while, working feverishly to limit the ability of the poor (whites and blacks) to vote, They are also working feverishly to cut all social spending, while refusing to raise taxes of any kind.  Buzz-words like "inner-city", "poverty", and "Behghazi" , are pressed into service in our MEDIA, as a giant FIG LEAF to hide the raw racism that motivates every action of this "DO NOTHING" House of Representatives.  They are pursuing a last ditch effort to halt President Obama's ability to lead this country, while doing everything in their power to inhibit the ability of the country to function.

My Grandfather ( a businessman who started his business in 1907, and survived until 1955) taught me that the true religion of the United States is that of "P.T. Barnum".  It's First Commandment:  "In the U.S., there's a "sucker" born every minute!"!

Stay Vigilant!  As this Fall's Elections approach, Don't be fooled by the false drama over the racist utterances of a Franchise Owner!  Watch the boys who are working feverishly to take Control of your Country!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

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