Sunday, May 4, 2014


Why are WHITES So Eager to "Borrow" Victim-hood ??

From the Lynching reported from Paris, TX , February 1st, 1893, to Abu-Ghraib, there can be detected a theme among a significant segment of "White America" that involves "borrowing"  victim-hood from REAL victims;  in order to justify collective "Vengeance Killings".  From listening to our fellow citizens who, in 2014, most strongly support the Death Penalty, that theme, resting on their demented interpretations of Christian teachings, comes through loud and clear.  The crime never happened to these supporters.  They would not have the courage to confront one of the targeted "criminals" on their own, and unprotected by a mob, or a gun.  Yet they flock, en-masse to approve and participate in "collective killing".  These same whites would be quick to condemn just about any other "collective" action in our nation as "Socialist".  Perhaps this IS -- they typpe of Socialism Hitler produced with the help of the Catholic Church??

 "Officials" of our Justice System, from the Cop on the Beat to members of our SCOTUS, are "corrupted" by this ages old trend.  It is a sickness that smacks of Genocide, when you reflect on the fact that the targets of this type of sentiment is usually some non-white male, and the perpetrators are traditionally, white males.  

In order to prove that she can be just as "tough" as any Texas Governor (the state with the "mother-lode" of these Jerks), a blonde, super-white woman Governor of Oklahoma has demonstrated her "abilities" in this regard.  I challenge everyone who supports this crap to read the detailed account of the Paris, Texas, lynching, in which an entire region of whites took days off, camped out with entire families, engaged in the meticulous torture and killing of one black male.  It would turn the stomach of any sane human being!  But that''s TEXAS, writ-large, both then, and now!  The trend has wafted North from Texas, through Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and parts of Iowa.  It parallels, roughly the old border between the Union and Confederacy during the Civil War (the one in the 19th Century -- not the "Stealth Civil War" that began in the 20th Century, after Civil Rights Legislation was passed by Congress).  The insurrectionists are, today, "holed-up" in the House of Representatives;  after effectively "shutting down" any appreciable functioning of Government for this country, in both domestic and foreign affairs.

The demented white (or near-white Zimmerman) males who gunned down un-armed black teenagers recently; only to get leniency from our "Justice" system; both claimed themselves to be the "victims"!! What goes on in the Cracker Mind that produces such a viewpoint??

Stay Vigilant!  Can we use this trait as a "litmus test" to identify those whites who are racists of the type produced in Germany in the 1930s.?  Don't rely on white Talking Heads in our Media to tell you who is racist, and who is NOT!

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