Tuesday, April 8, 2014


... By Black Males in the U.S. ??

The Emancipation Proclamation "armed" black males who served  to defend our Union.  The Congress, following the assassination of Lincoln, gave black males the Vote.  The "armed" blacks, following the Civil War, had no prior experiences they wanted to return to, like those whites who were mustered out of service.  They were sent West, to "win" that part of our country and make it safe for the Railroads and Hispanics in the newly evolved New Mexico Territory.  Hollywood, using the famous "dime novels" of that era, evolved over the years since the LIES about  "White-Hat Cowboys"  and other myths that formed the fabric of the "Cowboy" mentality that pollutes the minds and politics of citizens today.  The truth about those evil characters who fled from the "civilized" East to the "lawless" West, can be easily discovered by those who want to know.  The Black Soldiers became "Buffalo Soldiers"; many of whom were winners of tens of Congressional Medals of Honor for their work in the Southwest.  They were not associated with the "Custer Massacre" in the Little Big Horn.  The Evil gunslingers, after losing a battle with the Buffalo Soldiers in Lincoln County, became Texas Rangers.

It was the Vote that was most attractive to Black Males; especially  those who were the ancestors of  current characters like Clarence, Condi, and others, who trample their fellow blacks to make "Carpetbagger" deals with Northern Whites.  The Buffalo Soldiers were retained in uniform service until our Armed Services were "integrated" in 1948.  They were kept hidden in places like Bisbee, Arizona, and Fort Huachucha, and led by white officers like "Black Jack" Pershing.  Some of my most treasured memories are those of all-night sessions of those old guys, reminiscing their experiences in the Armed Forces during the 1930s, and the early days of World War II.  I learned things not reported elsewhere,
; such as the warfare overseas between black and white American troops, and the campaigns led by Eisenhower and others to deny any chances of blacks fighting with dignity and equal opportunity alongside white servicemen.  I learned why they hated both Generals  Eisenhower and Mark Clark.  It is still an open question as to whether this "armed black" gift has been used well by the citizens (of all colors and genders) of this nation.  It is obvious, from political views of the likes of Charlton Heston, and similar NRA extremists, how our nation became paranoid; leading to our current  "intersection" of guns and race.  White Americans could participate in using this history to quash the growth of white,  male, mentally-disturbed, gun-toters and effectively put an end to this growing insanity.  Do we continue to drift toward the mass-insanity among South Africa males like Pistorious??

These Lincoln "Gifts", were rapidly "discounted" as Reconstruction advanced.  Today, we see the handicapped; white women; Hispanics; Non-white Immigrants; Jews; Corporations; and now, Gays, shove aside blacks to "eat their lunch" as was provided in the fine print of Constitutional Amendments (13th , 14th, and 15th) of these "black gifts" from that period in our history.

Stay Vigilant!  Today the Bushes are posing as friends of blacks as it becomes clear that Republicans are losing their Racist campaigns against President Obama and his policies.  Watch out for the political "whip-lash"!

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