Wednesday, April 16, 2014

IS the "end-game" NEAR??

Boehner in "Extremis"??

I know it will be difficult, but the "Tea" leaves are showing that the "END" may be drawing near!
Break-lock from the captivating aromas emitted by FOX, Rush, and CNN, and check out Rachel Maddow and Fareed Zacharia.  They will tell you stuff, carefully-researched; "fact" based, that you won't get from the the other MEDIA outlets, or the "Stink-Tanks, like Heritage.  

Rachel  revealed that the Jewish Center Shooter was an undercover informant for the FBI.  Fareed tells us that Israel (at least that part under the influence of Netanyahu), and India are breaking away from their historic ties to the United States, and are being drawn into Putin's orbit!  India, for Russian arms sales; and Netanyahu, because his "constituents" are Russian Jews, and He is Netanyahu!.  So is it time yet to WAKE UP??

Back to Boehner:  If he is NOT a paid collaborator of Enemies of our Nation, he could certainly "pass" for one!  He sure ain't no "Tip" Oneill! (one of the GOOD Irish among us?).  The other one, Mad Ronnie, the Hard-Left Liberal who "flipped" to Hard-Right Neo-Con (Neo-Nazi??) influenced by the founders of the Heritage Foundation, grew up as "Shanty" Irish.  I guess "Tip" at least knew some "Lace-Curtain Irish".

RONNIE told us "Government is the Problem!"  Poorly schooled, and not a deep thinker, Reagan knew his audience (most successful "actors" do).  He knew that the overwhelming majority of whites in this country were "schooled" in how to become "white" -- but were not "educated" above grade-school levels.  My Dad told me of his experience in 1944 at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis, Mo.  Very few of the whites could read or write.  They were hooked on the (then new) Comics Books -- invented in the 1930s by young Jews, and used to ingratiate themmselves to oppressing Gentiles.  (The white super-heros were enemies of evil non-whites).  The were led to believe that, so long as they were white, (a premium; if also male), they didn't have to be "bright"!  They did not NEED "education"; they thought.  They doomed the current generation of white citizens in this country as a result.  The Rabble that is now the Republican Party are convinced that IF, they can destroy our Federal Government, (and Obama), they can SURVIVE and strive within our RED state governments.

In the RED states, there is total break-down of government structure, and law and order, at every governmental level.  The "GANGS" rule, or, organizations like the one Christie runs in New Jersey, or the "Religious" gangs posing as "Christians"; lke the Mormons, or the Southern, "Corn-Pone Christians" in our Old South, that have charmed Netanyahu into their fold.

The lawless rabble in Nevada who have been stealing grazing facilities from the Federal Government for decades, are ready, and willing, to start the next Civil War in the United States.  They are aided and abetted by Republicans like Huckaby and Boehner.  Are there ANY Republicans who remain LOYAL to the United States of America?

Stay Vigilant!  These forces, along with the old-line Southern Crackers, are coalescing for some kind of End-Game!

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