Sunday, April 13, 2014

OOPs !! ; R the "Dopes", now, "ROPED"??

The "THUNDER" of Young, Female, Feet?
Heading for the POLLS, This FALL!

Did the Kool-Aid Formula for the HARD RIGHT get "spiked" over the weekend??  For some strange
reason, all of the leading wannabe's on the HARD RIGHT have flipped their tunes.  They're sounding like
PRESIDENT OBAMA!!  They're attacking the Top, rich, "1%;  opposing Unequal pay;  attacking "Wall St' ; What the Hell Happened?  Well, someone helped them to read the polls:  young, unmarried, women, to include young unmarried, "mothers", are MAD AS HELL, and aren't gonna take it anymore.  They're heading for the polls in 2014, and that ain't good news for the Republicans!  The wannabe's were funded, at the New Hampshire speeches, by the Koch Brothers!

The nuts in the House who have a strangle hold on our Federal Government, were "gettin it on" in their race-driven  orgy's of "Ben-Ghazi", "Fast & Furious", "Anti non-white immigration"; and "IRS"; and they forgot to look up and check on what was happening as a result.  I'm reminded of the version of The Wizard of Oz, starring Michael Jackson, entitled "The Wiz", in which he, prophetically, sang "You Cain't Win".  The Wizard, didn't have to change the rules, he simply changed the Colors.  Nixon didn't have to change a thing to keep the old rotten Southern system intact, he simply switched the names of the Parties.  To find the White Race Card in Obamacare, think, for a moment, of whether, as was true in my youth, you would want to visit a doctor when you were sick, or an Insurance Agent. Knowing that Insurance is an industry in our nation that has always been far more wealthy than our banks, and that it was regulated at the STATE level; it was a slam dunk!  He gave the Old South back what it had always had, and free money with which to fund it.  Throughout my lifetime, smart investors knew never to buy any insurance that was home-based below the Mason-Dixon Line.  The CIA had bestowed a gift of the Nazi scientists to the old South, giving them a foot-up in the rising Aeorspace Industry.

Michael Lind, in his book, Next American Nation, (1995) writes: 

"The political feat of the Southern slave owners is truly remarkable -- a minority within a minority section, they managed to dominate a populous nation's politics for more than half a century.  The only comparable feat is the way that the Prussian Junkers, a backward land-owning military caste on the Germanic-Slav frontier, managed to create and dominate the German nation-state from the Bismark era to their annihilation as a class at the hands of Stalin's armies and Hitler's Gestapo."  

Michael needs to update this.  The Cracker Mind-set of the Old South is still in the saddle; and in a death-throes struggle to defeat the First Black President; in spite of whatever the majority of our citizens clearly want instead.

Stay Vigilant!  What it comes down to is a world in which we strive toward "Shane", or "Butch Cassidy and Sundance".  How do we acquire wealth?  How do we KEEP wealth?  So far, Criminality is winning in our Global Economic slog.

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