Let's Take A Closer Look??
When we look below the MEDIA "Cover"; strange questions emerge as to what "really" is going on in the state of Nevada. Is it the 21st Century version of "Fort Sumter"?? Why is Senator Reid, from the State of Nevada defending our Federal Government, while the Governor, Sandoval, and the state's other Senator, Heller, back Bundy and his fellow insurrectionists in their refusal to acknowledge the "legitimacy" of the United States Government? "Curious"!; ain't it??
Las Vegas, is the place where a Big Money Backer of all things "Israeli", doles out big bucks to the likes of Romney and Jeb Bush, in his anti-Obama, and Pro-Netanyahu campaigns to weaken the United States of America.
SCOTUS, with it's Taney-flavored ruling, Citizens United, has provided unlimited, and un-disclosed, access to money from anywhere on the planet; to "speak" at the ballot boxes in this country.
A few months back, there was a bizarre "shoot-out" and high-speed car crash on the Las Vegas Strip, that had all the markings of International Criminal Operations. The Tea Party and Republican champions inside FOX News, have lead the Propaganda Campaign for those participating in "armed resistance" against our Federal Government that is now underway in Nevada. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/04/14/1291988/-Nevada-s-GOP-governor-senator-back-Bundy-ranch-over-federal-law#.
Signs held by the insurrectionist "occupiers" of Bundy's Ranch speak of being "In Russia"!! Republicans are beginning to "scatter", along with all types of "Conservatives", in the wake of Bundy's "revelations" of the racist, and Anti-Obama, underpinnings of this whole affair.
Stay Vigilant! Are all of these "flavors" beginning to blend in Nevada? Who remains loyal to our Constitution, these days?? NOT ONE REPUBLICAN IN 2014! SAVE OUR CONSTITUTION!!
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