Sunday, April 6, 2014

'NON-DISCLOSURE" and 21st Century GLOBAL Racism??

"Clarence" : the "Gift" that keeps on Giving"??

Not since Cortes committed mutiny and invaded Mexico in 1519, has the resulting African Slave trade, concocted by the "troika" of Catholic Hierarchy, or,  Missionary; Mercenary, or, BIG MONEY; and Military Interests (aka 3-M); produced a "treasure" as valuable to BIG MONEY, as Clarence Thomas, Justice on our Supreme Court of the United States of America.  Hoisted there by Daddy Bush in 1991, and assisted by a Catholic Operative in the United States, Clarence has served since as a "programmable" Lawn Jockey for Race-Driven Policy interests.  Not since that fabled Lawn Jockey of George Washington, has that concept had more disastrous meaning for all who inhabit this planet!  Clarence's secondary post is to serve as a "foot stool" for Justice Scalia. 

In case you are still living under some rock, our Supreme Court ruled on April 2, 2014, in "McCutcheon" the "flip" side of their "Citizens United" bad coin, delivered in 2010.  It says that not only is Money the same as free speech and can be spent on domestic politics in virtually unlimited amounts, but now, the source of the the money does not have to be disclosed!.  How ya' like them apples??  As our late-night comedians make hay out of these five clowns on the Roberts Court, and Roberts, it becomes painfully clear that the real roots of racism as practiced in the United States since our founding Masters, is, and always has been Economics!  After centuries of practice and refinement, that system has been launched by BIG MONEY interests, across the entire planet!  After five years of flouting their oldest and most vile attitudes on race, against the First Black President of this nation, The Republicans, The Court, and the Repoobs (Tea Party) are within striking distance (from here to elections this November) of "cinching" their strategies, and "running the table" against persons of color, women, and anybody not lucky enough to be included in the wealthy top one-percent of our citizens.   Yes, that means you, too, if you're white and not stinkin' rich!  As the old slaves might say: "we is all niggahs, now!"  Oh: note to "black conservatives"; because you're not white, you can't even ride in the back of their bus anymore.  GOT THAT? CONDI ??
KOCH editoralizes in a Murdoch rag that he fears "collectives".  What the HELL does he think the white-skin "collective" he inhabits and profits from, is??

The Court didn't close the bag soon enough, however, because the arms and legs of people like the Kochs, and Adelson are already exposed, or, disclosed!  Who?  and what else?, is in their bag?  Can we find a lost night flight? The funding for the "film" that sparked riots in Egypt and Benghazi? The imagination runs rampart.  None of this matters if the VOTERS allow these "operatives" to take down the Senate this Fall.  They own the Court (since 2000), and if they get the full Congress (they already own the House of Representatives), they will have the power to Impeach and finally destroy the governmental structure that has,  miraculously, protected an ignorant, greedy, and racist citizenry, since our days of Chattel Slavery.

Stay Vigilant!  We may go down, but we can, at least, go down fighting!!  BIG MONEY (white, of course) is planning to "move in"  -- ultimate Gentrification!!

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