When will BLACKs Learn the VALUE of SELF-RESPECT??
Well, He did it! He up and "OUTED" himself this morning (on Morning Joe, before 7am EST). There they were, Joe, his Ding-Bat side-kick (to mollify any female viewers?), and the "usual suspects" gathered, klan-fashion, before the mikes and cameras to talk ABOUT blacks, (they seem never to talk TO blacks). Defending the likes of Gohmert of Texas, Joe supported the vile, racist tactics in play in Boehner's "Fun House" as Politics As Usual! As anyone with an I.Q. of 10 or above, will know, this is damn sure NOT usual, Washington-style "Politics"!! The FBP and Black AG and highly UNUSUAL, in just about every way imaginable!
With the onset of Reconstruction; Race became a mainstay of our national politics, but never on the surface. Woodrow Wilson, perhaps the most openly racist president of that period, took great pains to hide his hand in his racial politics. The K.K.K. was the true political party for whites in this country then, as white ethnics were "compressed" by the public school system into a single "white" block of people. It is precisely because there is no interest in that happening to non-whites, that our Public Schools have been the place, since 1954, where white, and racist, interests played out the past 50 years of destroying black children by substituting School Boards and racist teachers and administrators to Segregate and confuse black children, and, to replace the influence of their parents in their education. They have succeeded brilliantly at this strategy. Black parents must re-take control over the education of their children! Only the parents can teach SELF-RESPECT to their children!
Back to hapless Joe; he singularly fails to understand that Politics in this country has been, over our history, more related to what a major public official DOES; not who he or she IS, as a human being. We all know, that where black citizens are concerned, its all about who the ARE, genetically. NOBODY can be held
responsible for the circumstances of their birth. Morning Joe is nothing more that Imus-lite, it seems.
Striving to "prove" Attorney General Holder wrong in his assertion that no prior Attorney General has been treated similarly as to to this first black AG; Scarborough drags up Sleezy Meese (watergate action, not genetics), Janet Reno(gender, not race). He steered clear of Gonzales, for some reason. He might note that Atty General Thornberg (Nixon era) was not treated with ANY level of disrespect. This message is wasted on the likes of Sharpton, Powell, Thomas, and Condi Rice, I'm afraid. We can all pity the poor Black Conservative who is poisoning their own with 21st Century Racism, labeled "Conservatism". Born in the Deep South, this "accommodation" tactic is only useful to those blacks still trapped in that region.
In this week of celebration in Austin by the not-yet-dead Presidents, and President Obama, of 50 years of Civil Rights (blacks are still falling for Civil Rights instead of Human Rights); maybe, just maybe, Holder, Elijah Cummings, and others are beginning to fathom the high cost of prostituting their self-respect in order to "get ahead". This age-old practice, born in the bloody, lash-ruled deep South, must be extinguished in the 21st Century. If Putin get his global, ethinc version of this crap established, it can be "lights-out" economically and politically for EVERYONE!
Stay Vigilant! Keep an eye out for sessions like that Scarborough put on this morning. The Cracker MInd-set will take drastic measures, it seems, to survive and extend its power.
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