Saturday, April 19, 2014

"SURVIVAL" in the 21st Century??

We're ALL "Survivalists" NOW?

I don't think "sane heads", and, as the old saying goes: "nobody's sane, anymore, except, maybe, for me and you; and sometimes I's not so sure about you!! ; PUTIN puts the entire planet on the same footing!  If he's "Crazy", he's crazy with those ancient evils that have plagued mankind since we crawled out of the caves and the slime.  He's drunk on "Firepower" (what stupid McCain and his kind mistake for "Power"), and craves MONEY and other forms of Wealth.  He is expert in the manipulation of some of the most craven and ethnically vicious people on our planet (as revealed, in detail, during World War II).  Today, they are dirt poor, vicious, spread across the planet, and ravenously determined to wrest control over all they can reach.  They will stop at nothing!  We learned by the behavior of too many Europeans during World War II, how they proved to be the the world's ultimate "Triangulaters":  They played all sides at the same time, until no "sides"  remained;  for anyone!   Today, think Syria, abroad, and Republicans, here at home.

Minority Groups; Indians (from India) and Pakistani's who have historically played the tianguling game; (Machiavelli, with a racial or ethnic twist), to the detriment of themselves and all they reach; are busy moving among us all in this impending choas; sowing more chaos (think Louisiana, and South Carolina)!

We have a  Global Laboratory before us all,  from which to "identify" those historic and traditional "bad actors" among us.  Our failure to see clearly, hear clearly,  in a world never before so inundated with slick Propaganda; and to accurately inform ourselves as to what is truly unfolding, in all parts of our planet, will bring about our demise as a species far more quickly than "Environmental" threats that can be confused with "natural" forces.

Stay Vigilant!  Remember, NOBODY likes CHANGE!  We all scramble to get back to a past that we failed to understand when we lived in it!  HAPPY EASTER??  The things we believe to be RIGHT are harder to change than those things we believe to be WRONG!  A world run by MARKETS, in charge of WEAK GOVERNMENTS, is a threat to Freedom everywhere!

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