Thursday, April 17, 2014


Did the SLAVES "Understand It Better"??

I was admitted into Peter Drucker's Advanced Executive MBA Program in 1985, after he read my 1972 Master's Thesis: American Values in Black and White.  During the program; (completed with straight A's in 1987), I often argued with Peter about differing aspects, mostly financial and economic, of Race in the United States.   In accordance with my personal and professional experiences, and with the results of my research over the years up to that time (1939-1987), we had a great deal to argue about.  Some of these occurred in our various classes; others were one-on-one.  Of the many positions Peter held in our arguments, the one that I had the most difficult time with was his assertion that American Blacks were essentially "whites" with non-white skins.  I wrestled with that assertion then, and since.  I've finally come to the conclusion, after viewing the collective reaction of whites in this country to the First Black President; (Peter, unfortunately died in 1995 and did not witness this evolution in our history)  that Peter was wrong!.

Peter arrived in this country in 1939, the year I was born.  He was well established and went on to a very pivotal career in helping our government and industries to survive and win World War II.  "Management" for my generation and much of the generation before me was "defined" by Peter Drucker.  He extended his management wisdom and theories into emerging Non-Profits; "Entrepreneurship"; the newly evolving  European Union; Japanese Economic Development in the 1980s; Silicon Valley; and the newly evolving Global Economy.  He predicted with uncanny accuracy in the mid-19080s, chapter and verse of what we're struggling with in our Domestic and Global Economies today.  And eplained the causes.  I completed his program during the time that Ivan Boesky and the new "Money Boys" were coming into, creating havoc (and impending demise?) of a great economic history of the United States; from the rise of the Robber Barons in the late 1800s to the collapse of old-line American Companies as the end of the 20th Century approached.  We're living in "Fast Money" times; they lived in "Slow, and Secure Money"; that period that followed the collapse of 1933.

I grew up among people like that Jewish Center Shooter in the Kansas /City region a few days ago.  The Shooter is an "Older" white male, a year or so younger than me.  Too many Missourians and Kansans, on both sides of their shared border, their parents, and their children, share the mind-set that the shooter exhibited following the shooting.  Its the region where the Rodeo Clown  "dissed" our President!  The assassin of Martin Luther King was "recruited" from that region.  I have been on a life mission to find explanations for people like them; and why they exert so much influence on what I call the Cracker Mindset in  the United States.  I found the answers in my research.  The inhabitants of the "White Side of the Tracks" have shaped what I call the Cracker Mind Set we see so much in evidence in the Murdoch Press, ( FOX "sludge"), and Rush and his Talk-Show minions.  The citizens who hold fast their "whiteness", but declare that no white person in this country is"racist", have become dupes in "denial" and  consumers of"double-speak".  

What Peter did not see, that even the Old Black Slaves understood, early on, was that there was something fundamentally different between  those who cling to "whiteness" in their times, and today, in the 21st Century, and those who fully understand and believe in basic humanity   Those who believe and behave otherwise can be found on overpasses with guns, defying "law and order"!.  Unfortunately, since the "Backlash Period" began in 1954, and the shift began by "White elites and their supporters" to abolish the bonds between black parents and their children, and to move "segregation" under the collective roof of "white-controlled Public Education; we now have those younger blacks that conform to Peter's observations, and my generation who wereraised by our communities and disciplined and schooled under the watchful eyes of our parents.  Whites deliberately destroyed  our communities; producing children who were ignorant of who they really were!  Many of us today,  are still  fundamentally different!  We ,like the Old Black Slaves," understood it better" and built more secure communities.  They were able to keep their kids safe, and much better educated that thosr "protected" whites on the other side of the tracks.  The products of those generations and the contributions to what is essentially "American" stand out.  No blacks since that time can compare in quality or quantity with the likes of a Duke Ellington, for instance.  The difference is that they learned to respect themselves and their own, in ways the likes of Condi and Clarence will never understand.  The descendants of the whites in that region are basically the same as their forebears.

Stay Vigilant!  No Self-Respect; no respect from others. No Respect from Others; no ACCEPTANCE (perpetually controlled by whites?)  Then, there are the "kiss-up-kick-down" crowd of "browns" from places like India who move into the South, assuming the roles of people like David Duke!   Putin "Gets It"; why don't we?  A world run my "Markets" and weak, or no "Government" (law and order), will destroy what we came to know as "Humanity".. Greed and "Religion" are the "force couple" driving this horror! 

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