What "Millenial" non-Whites Need to Know??
The Five, Hard-Right, Catholic, (Fascist?) Judges, installed on our Supreme Court during the terms of "W" and Cheney, have ruled, in Citizens United, that Money is Speech. Although the white-controlled Public Schools have, since "Integration"; begun in the mid-50s, "managed" to confuse non-white children about the way we govern (or, don't) ourselves; it is imperative, in the 21st Century, that young non-whites understand where we are on this subject, and how we got here.
Basics: The Founding Fathers were careful to limit the "benefits" of the Constitution to White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Males. It was clear, then, that other white males (Catholics, "other Ethnics"; and Jews) were NOT INCLUDED. Neither were all Non-whites who lived on the land, and those early white males who "Integrated" peacefullly, with Natives.
Known as "Mountain Men" (multiple nationalities, multiple colors); they were replaced by Thugs who immigrated with the great un-washed hordes of dirt-poor Europeans who washed up on the shores of the Americas; in droves. Those who came in through what is now the United States, fled our "civilized" East; to the "Lawless West". They became gun-toting killers for hire. or leaders of marauding gangs. Hollywood turned these killers into dime-novel "heroes".
The "Exterminating Presidents" beginning with Andy Jackson, and culminating with Polk, used these thugs to expand territory toward the Pacific Ocean. Joined by other marauding groups, like the Mormons, mayhem reigned in the "Wild West". With the un-provoked invasion of Mexico in 1846, the table was set for our Civil War. That War wiped out the WASP influence of our Founders, and the great -unwashed whites gained ascendancy through Reconstruction. Those whites have dominated our politics and economy since the time of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Because of the economic upheavals leading up to World War II, and following a massive influx of more un-washed whites from Europe (look up Bogardus' Social Distance Data from 1926 to learn how the whites sorted themselves out). That white-power coalition of wealthier whites and poor whites who used "Law" to control non-whites and the economy, lost that grip in the mid-50s. Since that time, with declining numbers, the whites have turned to hard-Right politics (economic and religious) and limitations of Rights for the poor (all colors). That brought the current "Supremes" to Citizens United. With steadily declining numbers, DOLLARS now replace lost white voting power, from here forward. MARKETS and dominance of markets across the global economy is the new "ground" that is to be globally contested; where white, corporate interests are combining to rule the planet. What we all face is a world in which money (for the rich whites) and bullets (for poor whites who recently have been tossed aside by the rich) are the instruments that are becoming the new "free speech". Where do YOU stand? Consult your MIRROR! Also important, will be your ability to decipher the subliminal messages in ADVERTISING! Check out the new ad featuring "Neutering" and the dog -- see how many subliminal and fascist, messages you can detect; both audio and visual.
Stay Vigilant! The New "White Speech" brought us the Meltdown of 2008. Will it give the WHITE RIGHT total power in 2014?
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