Once Again?? "All It takes For EVIL to "Win" ...
Be reminded, in this EASTER Season; Jesus, On the Cross, is reported to have said: "Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do".
Just how big is that IGNORANCE BAG?? In these days of Ailes and others in the Rupert Murdoch Media, and race-baiting talk radio hosts, DO WE REALLY "KNOW" anything?? Not if we don't WANT to!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Murdoch
We're being told today by the representatives of the Southern Poverty Law Center that our military is involved in this, for training of the bushwhackers, arming of the "militias", and/ possibly, building more "cells". We see more and more the over-policing and extremism of trigger-happy police in various states.
Going back to my youth in that part of the country; the home base for Harry Truman, the place where President Obama was racially trashed at the Missouri State Fair. In our history, that region was the location of "Bleeding Kansas", John Brown. I lived in the poison in that region from my birth in 1939, until I could leave in 1959. The poison remains in the soil and is reflected in the stories of The James Boys who were turned into folk heros by our corrupt 'entertainment' MEDIA.
Jonestown; Branch Dividians; Ruby Ridge; Timothy McViegh; the unending parade of white males who are appearing on our streets and in our schools, and in our theaters -- we excuse them all if they're "white" culprits. Our collective AMNESIA is astounding!
Do we really think that the bad actors in our Congress and who steal from us all in the name of "Bubbles" are somehow NOT at part of this social fabric.
In a very recent PR event designed to elevate the tarnished image of LBJ, no mention was made of the WELL KNOWN fact that LBJ and J.Edgar Hoover were "thick as thieves". We also know that Hoover infiltrated his FBI as double agents throughout the South in his personal belief that Black Americans were "Communists". His "blackmail files" served him well (and LBJ) to perpetuate and build his power. His fingerprints are on the deaths of Attorney General Kennedy, he tampered, through Gerald Ford, in the proceedings of the Warren Commission. All of this reported in our open "free" press; yet we DON'T REALLY KNOW ANY OF THIS. Ditto for Hoover's links to the assassinations of King and Malcolm.
Were those five years under LBJ (1963-1968), collectively the "first 9/11" -- and NOBODY KNEW??
Stay Vigilant! The depth and capacity for willful ignorance on the part of the white citizenry of the United States of America "boggles the mind"!! We keep on on "keepin' hate alive"!! Putin has been "schooled well" by the stupid, and cowardly, citizens of the United States of America!
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