The "Secret Sauce" ??
Surviving almost 400 years of the most brutal treatment of mankind by other men, African Americans in the United States can lay claim to being the only "true LIBERTARIANS" in this country! As the old saying goes:
We've had to survive so much, for so long, with so little (material resources);
We now face a future where we have to survive (and thrive?) ... on NOTHING!!
We've become the world's prime "innovators"!!
How have white (male) citizens, from the Founding slavers, to Abraham Lincoln, to today's "Robber-Baron" 1%, managed to maintain their "hold" on power. How are they "managing" their "secret sauce" today? Is Putin concocting his own, global and "ethnic" version, in his efforts to pursue his dream of a New Russian Imperial "World Order"?
Two things occurred in our "Mind-F MEDIA" yesterday that may yield some clues. The Southern Poverty Law Center, is in the news, "explaining" the gruesome "hate crime" against Jews yesterday (in which no Jews were physically harmed), and Charlie Rose wrestled lat night with the President of Ecuador over "Liberation Theology" and Freedom Movements in places like Ecuador, Venezuela, Columbia, and other parts of Latin America.
Does it strike you, as is has for me, somehow "odd" that a "private" deep-South quasi-Liberal organization immediately springs to the fore to "protect" the "Civil" Rights of Jews and Black Americans? They've done so for years, with curious "cooperation" with law enforcement, from local to Federal levels? They forge "bonds" and develop "trust" with the "haters", and allow them to function while they "track" the groups. Why are the targeted minority groups NEVER allowed to speak for themselves? Curious, ain't it! Over many decades, we've complacently gotten "used to it". Liberal whites (aversive racists?) have curiously fed Conservative whites (dominant racists?) in matters involving minorities and "Civil" Rights. We still don't know how to address issues of HUMAN Rights for non-whites! The difference between Spanish (Catholic) history and English (Protestant) history in the Americas; warrant close scrutiny.
Our State Department has, for more than a century, worked abroad, fomenting chaos, and overthrowing governments in "our national interest". I know of no-one who has been polled by our State Department to determine what our "national interests" are. Presidents, appoint political cronies, with some narrow economic interest in certain parts of the world to "represent us" and we're TOLD what little we may later discover; we'r never CONSULTED. Obama and Kerry are struggling with centuries of detritus that has piled upon this nation after centuries of this "process". Catch Charlie's show and witness his difficulty in "selling" his own Manifest Destiny mind-bent. Ken Burns, following in the tradition of Twain and Disney, continues the practice begun by Birth Of A Nation.
What is the "secret sauce" in all of this? It traces back to the Slave Master practice in the Deep South, of summarily executing any group of three or more blacks found congregating (outside of their "churches"). Any white man, woman, or child, had the power to make this happen, without question. This practice, to insure that no "bonds" of trust could be formed among blacks, persists in many forms today. Collectives are based on implicit bonds that involve blind trust. All wealth formation requires some type of "organization" or bond, or belief system that permits that trust to take hold and persist. ONLY WHITE MALES EXERCISE THAT POWER TODAY; in politics, government, foreign policy, in our media, in our Television advertising, ... it's EVERYWHERE! This "Secret Sauce" has been cleverly kept and re-designed throughout our history to bring about the phenom of FOX and the Republicans, and the evolving slavery of BIG MONEY that invades all of our lives (all working folk, that is). This explains why non-whites "integrate", and whites don't??
Stay Vigilant! How are your BONDS working, these days? Are you losing a lot of TRUST in things you've always taken for granted? Keep an eye on Putin; he even has his own path to a separate, but kindred, Christian Religion!
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