Can That "Change"??
In this mad, global, "scramble" for Power and Wealth; we may not get "beyond race"; but, MONEY just might make us think we can. What do I mean? Well, in the beginning of the Modern Period, (late 1400s), money and technological advances, then, favored the "rich" people who were rooted somewhere Europe or the Moslem East.
The latest issue of Town & Country Magazine, features the following 10 families: "Bushies", "Kerry's", "Murdoch's", "Emanuel", "Kennedy", "McCain", "Powell", "Pritzker", "Jordan", and "Barzun". These are the names of the "Top-Ten Families" in the world, who their Magazine claims "have muscle"; it seems. What!! ?? No Obama's, No Putin's? Could this explain why the MEDIA is having a Field Day driving us crazy with crap about "Keystone" and "Pipeline"? Where were these people when Cheney/Bush were holding their "secret" Energy Confabs with the likes of Ken Lay; before we invaded Iraq? Will these people also be to blame if the Repoobs get control of our Senate this Fall?; and complete their decades-long campaign to destroy Democracy in the United States and replace (THE GOVERNMENT) with Market-Driven Corporations?
And we thought that the First Black President would change our RACE-driven history, once and for all?
NOT!! The racial contempt shown for this President and for people who are not white, or, are poor, or, are female, or, all of the above; coming from the Hard, White, Right, has been painful to behold. The are intent on insuring that NO POWER Sharing will take place with the first (acknowledged) Non-White President!
But does that really matter? What if the "color" that really matters is the new color of Global Money? What if only dollars will do the bidding for those whites who think they control the world,; and plan to CONTINUE doing so. We see that they have decided to "lighten their load" within the past few years. They've recently had to toss poor whites to their fate -- guess there'not enough "loot" go go around? No wonder Putin's "Mad as Hell"?
Of all the Trailer Trash that has "Made It" in this country, through politics, mostly, and in my life-time; the most prominent have been folk like Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton?? Maybe Hillary never had any intention to "Run". Maybe she and Bubba are making sure Chelsea doesn't "fall out of the money fold"? Maybe now, we see the real power of "Foundations" that are based in white skin, and have such easy access to the world's rising wealth in the Developing Nations?
I'm starting to tackle the "tome" that is entitled Capital In the 21st Century (Thomas-Piketty). Joel Kotkin, in his 1992 book; TRIBES, cites the phenomenon of: "ethnicity as a defining factor in the evolution of the global economy". Five "principal groups - the Jews, British, Japanese, Chinese and Indians" have three critical characteristics of:
(1) A strong ethnic identity and sense of mutual dependence
(2) A global network based on mutual trust
(3) A passion for technical, and all other knowledge, from all possible sources
Stay Vigilant! This old Ball is "Spinnin' a lot faster than most of us think! Where is your money?? Who Controls it? Who Controls what you THINK? Who Controls what your KIDS think?
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