Friday, April 4, 2014


"In-the Windo-Sill?

I entered first Grade in 1945.  In addition to huge other events of that year, it was also the year that I learned our Pledge of Allegiance.  I learned the version of our Pledge of Allegiance that was officially recognized, for the first time, by Congress in 1942.  We learned:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, 
One Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

For first-graders, that word, indivisible, was unfamiliar, and sounded like "in the windo-sill!  We said that until we learned more in later grades.  We're a deeply divided nation today, and the concept of "indivisibility", then, was very important; but not today.  Today, Hard Right Whites blame President Obama for our present divisions.  Maybe we should  blame "Ike" (and, also Tricky Dick Nixon, who was his Vice President.)   Ike also opened  the door for our malignant "religious right" to rear its head in the 1970s "Silent Majority" and Abortion fights that joined  Race-Backlash battles thay begann in 1954, and still rage today.

In 1954, Eisenhower trapped that concept,  "indivisible" , under a new phrase, "Under God".  He did that on June 14, 1954, within days following the landmark Supreme Court ruling on School Integration.  Of course, everyone knew in those days that God was white, so, the whites ruled over our "indivisibility".  The Right Wing today sees no problem with that.  They cannot see, or imagine, our citizenry as anything other than white.  It is endemic in all of their rhetoric.  It is implied in all of their "talking points".  When FOX-and- Friends utter the phrase "American People", they're talking about the white ones.  Everyone else is kept on the fringes of our economy and our society.

The "Conservatives" to include Libertarians and the far Right Wing in this country, has always held the notion that the only truly "public good" is DEFENSE!  It is an "indivisible" good because you can't defend one, and not defend all!  That notion rings hollow in the 21st Century, where virtually nobody sacrifices, pays taxes or in any way "support" (besides lip-service)  the few who do fight to win the wars we seem to start with regularity.

Since Ike, the United States has taken global its trend of infusing its institutions with race. In 2014, six years after 2008, rich whites can no longer afford to allow poor whites to ride in the back of their bus; so, they've thrown them "under the bus" with the rest of the "47%"!  Moynihan warned poor whites that they would suffer, within a  time lag of about 10 years, whatever fate they approved for non-whites.  Following that logic, rich whites will soon be shooting poor whites in the streets; to the approval of our "justice system"??

Also since Ike, we've had 9 Presidents before Obama  who fit a spectrum from "Dominative" to "Aversive" racists, according to Kovel's definitions (ISBN: 0231057970).  I add a new section: "Cynical" to cover Clinton, Nixon, Ford, and Johnson.  The "Dominative" are, by my count, Reagan, Bush-I, and Bush-II:     The "Aversive" are Carter and Kennedy.  Check it out!

Stay Vigilant!  The real religion of the United States, since its founding, has been, what Montesqeiui and De Tocqueville imply: White Skin and MONEY!  Catholicism; the European version of Christianity (it was founded in Africa) is the "lock" that keeps all things African despised by everyone on this planet!  Montesqueiu's explains why, in his Spirit of Laws.  DON'T  ALLOW Generalissimo(s) "KOCH" to WIN OUR 2014 Election!!

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