Mystery Solved??
The Good Lord continues to work in "Mysterious Ways"; as my Dad loved to tell us! We should all thank that deity for revealing Donald Sterling, and his knowledge of the way "White" Jews treat "Black" Jews.
Which one was Jesus? He didn't say.
Nevertheless, we now know how we can remain so racist in this country, as to put on the incredible show the Republican Party brought us since the rise of Barack Obama; and still be in a "Post-Racial" 21st Century! It was all because of the "Powers" of Donald Sterling! I guess there are none so "colorblind" as those who" will not see". But: Putin sees; Netanyahu sees!
Both are well along in their (separate?) roles, to undermine our "body politic" in pursuit of their national goals.
Dr Brzezinski, former National Security Adviser, (and Mika's Dad?) was on Morning Joe today chiding President Obama to forget about the NBA, and focus on the serious threat Putin poses to this nation and to the world. Dr. Brzezinski remains locked in the 20th Century, I'm afraid. Racism and Ethnicity are key players in the Foreign Policy of the 21st Century, ala Messrs Putin and Netanyahu, it seems. Jared Diamond, in his 2005 book, Collapse, cites Racism as a key factor in what past civilizations used to participate in their own collapse. We would all do well to read this book. Obviously, Putin and his KGB buddies are way ahead of us! We can see the evidence in places like Nevada (Bundy), and Oklahoma (white, female, racist(?), Governor; intent on killing blacks by lethal injection, despite her own Supreme Court rulings). Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) works with race, as well as with nukes!
Who else is left onboard the Race Boat of the 21st Century? First, there are the black players who were "outed" by Sterling in their complicit roles of placating the Owners of Sports Franchises; then there are the white "couch potatoes" who depend completely on these black players to complete their "fantasies" of privileged inhabitants on the "Plantation" invoked by the entire stinkin' financial empire of Big Sports; then there are the other, "aversive" whites, who are scrambling to make sure neither "Magic", nor anybody else who is not white, winds up owning the team; then there are the "At Least, we're not BLACK folk, who want to remain safe in their "Middle" positions; and finally, all the "Spooks" who run to the TV to exonerate whatever "Aversive" whites who seek "absolution" from this mess.
President Obama, and any intelligent whites who can see the ties of the White Right to Racism in our politics; our Corporate hiring, firing, and promotion practices, Our worker pay practices; would be FOOLS to take the advice of someone like Brzezinski in this regard. It is right, however, to recognize the failure of our MEDIA to expose the seriousness of Putin's "Play", and its reach globally. Our MEDIA continues to fan the flames of impending collapse for this country!
Stay Vigilant! November inches closer, and "Independents" form the "base" for the Tea Party "base" of the Republican Party. Their Vote, and those of the old, "Bundy" white voters, must be over-ridden!
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