Wednesday, April 23, 2014

SCOTUS: "Allows" for Return of "MOB RULE" (WHITE)??

The "Mob" has to "Deliberate and Vote", (somehow)?

The Roberts Court was perhaps at it's most bizarre in yesterday's ruling on "Affirmative Action"!
Split cleanly along racial and ideological lines, "Clarence" and the five white, predominantly Catholic,  males, and the only white female (who played a Pontius Pilate "abstention" role) were complicit; while the lone female Jew, and lone female non-white, were in opposition.  This was a "hatchet" job, if ever there was one, and the Bushes had their fingerprints all over it! Should we erect the Fasces that adorn the Speaker's Chair in the House of Representatives inside our Supreme Court as well?

Daddy Bush gave us "Clarence" (1991)
"W" gave us the precipitating "Economic Meldown" (2008)
"Jeb" gave us "Stand Your Ground" and its impending consequences (On-going)

In what everyone knows is a thoroughly racist nation, with institutions formed by, and perpetuating, racial inequities; we have a Supreme Court populated by a majority who thinks that the way to "end discrimination" is to "Discriminate through majority rule"!!  Are they NUTS?, or simply "racist"?  Is it the case that only Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg were not served the Kool-Aid that "Clarence" prepares?

This ruling shows us that Martin Luther King was "duped", that Jackie Robinson was "used", and Thurgood Marshall was a Supreme Court Justice of significant stature to scare HELL out of the Lillipputians who took us back to the Taney Court yesterday.  There is no avenue through our courts for Minorities who are discriminated against, anymore.  We may be headed back  down a road toward Lynching, or worse!

Stay Vigilant!  This is the stuff that grows in a climate of rapidly advancing wealth-inequality.

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