Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"MAN OVERBOARD!!" Who Remains "Onboard" in the 21st Century??

Mystery Solved??

The Good Lord continues to work in "Mysterious Ways"; as my Dad loved to tell us!  We should all thank that deity for revealing Donald Sterling, and his knowledge of the way "White" Jews treat "Black" Jews.
Which one was Jesus?  He didn't say.

Nevertheless, we now know how we can remain so racist in this country, as to put on the incredible show the Republican Party brought us since the rise of Barack Obama; and still be in a "Post-Racial" 21st Century!  It was all because of the "Powers" of Donald Sterling!  I guess there are none so "colorblind" as those who" will not see".  But:  Putin sees; Netanyahu sees!

Both are well along in their (separate?) roles, to undermine our "body politic" in pursuit of their national goals.

Dr Brzezinski, former National Security Adviser, (and Mika's Dad?) was on Morning Joe today chiding President Obama to forget about the NBA, and focus on the serious threat Putin poses to this nation and to the world.  Dr. Brzezinski remains locked in the 20th Century, I'm afraid.  Racism and Ethnicity are key players in the Foreign Policy of the 21st Century, ala Messrs Putin and Netanyahu, it seems. Jared Diamond, in his 2005 book, Collapse,  cites Racism as a key factor in what past civilizations used to participate in their own collapse.  We would all do well to read this book.  Obviously, Putin and his KGB buddies are way ahead of us!  We can see the evidence in places like Nevada (Bundy), and Oklahoma (white, female, racist(?), Governor; intent on killing blacks by lethal injection, despite her own Supreme Court rulings).  Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) works with race, as well as with nukes!

Who else is left onboard the Race Boat of the 21st Century?  First, there are the black players who were "outed" by Sterling in their complicit roles of placating the Owners of Sports Franchises; then there are the white "couch potatoes" who depend completely on these black players to complete their "fantasies" of privileged inhabitants on the "Plantation" invoked by the entire stinkin' financial empire of Big Sports; then there are the other, "aversive" whites, who are scrambling to make sure neither "Magic", nor anybody else who is not white, winds up owning the team; then there are the "At Least, we're not BLACK folk, who want to remain safe in their "Middle" positions; and finally, all the "Spooks" who run to the TV to exonerate whatever "Aversive" whites who seek "absolution" from this mess.

President Obama, and any intelligent whites who can see the ties of the White Right to Racism in our politics; our Corporate hiring, firing, and promotion practices, Our worker pay practices; would be FOOLS to take the advice of someone like Brzezinski in this regard.  It is right, however, to recognize the failure of our MEDIA to expose the seriousness of Putin's "Play", and its reach globally.  Our MEDIA continues to fan the flames of impending collapse for this country!

Stay Vigilant!  November inches closer, and "Independents" form the "base" for the Tea Party "base" of the Republican Party.  Their Vote, and those of the old, "Bundy" white voters, must be over-ridden!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, April 28, 2014


"John Wayne" is (finally) DEAD??
World Whites; (formerly known as "Whites" in the Americas); Eur-Asians; Putin's new ethnic cells dispersed across our planet; and Everyone else (Moslems, Blacks, Latinos, Hispanics, Native Americans, etc.), are defining the shape of our new, Tri-Sectored World  emerging in this 21st Century.  The "Everyone Else" group has been oppressed by, and defined by those who have traditionally been the "Whites".   History is full of details, for those who care, of the atrocities inflicted upon the planet by the "Whites" during their dominance, that began roughly around 1450 A.D.  The immense wealth and power of Europe arose since that time.  Capitalism, as we know it, is not yet 300 years old.  The Catholic Church, and the early Popes, were the engine for atrocities like the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the in-situ rape of Africa;  all in the name of their white GOD. 

The practice of slavery in the Americas, driven by Roman Catholic Christianity, and, after 1520, European Protestantism, (only a minor variant from the earlier Catholic system), is, by far, the most egregious atrocity performed by man upon other men, in the history of our species, since we "evolved" from the slime.  Mr. Abbas' recent statement regarding "The Holocaust"  is WRONG!!  

The pain and suffering in the wake of the Atlantic Slave Trade, concocted by Bishop Las Casas and the Popes of Rome, at a time when they held power over all the Crowned Heads of Europe, is far greater, and still wreaks havoc in the lives of all who have at least "one drop" of African heritage, or non-white skin color; anywhere on the planet!

Europeans and their clones (Canada, Australia, New Zealand,  the United States) are, today, raping Africa through the instruments like "Foundations", "Missionaries", and other "Proxies" buried within institutions left behind when Europe abandoned its presence within Africa in the 1960s.  The Holocaust that took place in Germany during World War II, driven by Catholic Fascists, (Italy and Germany) has been the beneficiary of a well-funded global PR campaign since then, and everyone knows it!  People of all faiths and colors react in fear,  and aren't facing the facts!   Look at the survival and spread of Fascism in the wake of the PR!  Look at the re-definition of Israel since the death of Rabin, and the rise of  the likes of Sharon and Netanyahu!  Look at the alliance between U.S. "Corn-Pone Christians", and  Netanyahu!  Compare the numbers!  Look at the lingering aftermath!!  Why do we continue to give out-sized deference to the "minor" holocaust, while continuing to ignore the "major" Holocaust?  How many more non-white youths will have to be "gunned-down" in our streets before the non-whites fully "Awaken"??  Then, there's what this coalition is inflicting wreak upon our collective "Environment"!

That does not excuse those of us who know better, but fail to teach our children the truth.  All of the many Public Relations efforts to sway "hearts and minds",  (like the one in our Media yesterday in Rome, for example) are bits of the same piece of Propaganda shaping the new era.

Back to Putin; perhaps he knows that the "Asymmetry"  posed by Media in this Media Age, is one in which  PROPAGANDA is the weapon of choice for waging warfare.  Guns, Bullets, Bombs (even nuclear ones) are relegated to be more and more ineffective in gaining power and prominence in the world that is emerging.  Groups like American Blacks, Caribbean Latinos, and Mexican Hispanics are beginning to awaken to their current fate, and realize what they need to do to educate and protect themselves and their children in the economy and political environment that are unfolding.  "Conservatives" and Israeli interests are doing everything they can to slow or halt the progress of the "Awakening" among non-whites.  They want us to remain hooked on the PR image of "John Wayne", both in myth and in the reality of  U.S. foreign policy.
Cheney/Bush spent our "reserve" for this option.  Only Putin seems to be able to play the "gunslinger" card, so far, on the planet in the 21st Century.   We had better hope that President Obama succeeds in countering Putin with Dollars (U.S. Dollars, "Petro-Dollars", "Euro"-Dollars").

Stay Vigilant!  The trick is to get the outcome WE NEED; while remaining FINANCIALLY SOLVENT!!
Vote out Gerrymandering!  Vote Out Big Money Corruption!  Vote Out Republicans!

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, April 27, 2014


"Color/Ethnicity" and POWER on the Planet

"Cloven" Bundy may have done the "Conservatives" in the United States a great favor!  He has provided an unmistakable, and clear view deep inside the Cracker-Mind, for the entire world to see.  The white-frocked "miracle-workers" gathered in Rome today should pay heed?  Both Popes need to beg forgiveness for themselves and their forebears for all the pain and suffering that flows from their color-based institutions and teachings;  designed to advance power and greed among Europeans in the Modern Age (since 1450).  The planet suffers mightily today;from their practices;  perhaps none more than the non-whites on the Continent of Africa,  and those of us whose presence here derives from an African slave.

The "Conservatives" in our national politics must now face the fact that they have no where else to go;  now that the color and race-based foundation for our national politics, since the days of  Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, have run their course.  They are exposed and have no "cover" left!   Presidential tape recordings of Johnson and Nixon  reveal the extent of the raw racist beliefs both of these "leaders" held.  Nixon was the architect of the five "racial" boxes for identifying all citizens of this nation.  He was also the architect of the race-based "Southern Strategy" that re-defined the Republican Party.  After the escalations of Atwater/Rove, Reagan/Bush/Clinton, the race-string has played out in 2014.  The crippling of our ability to manage our affairs, both domestically and internationally, is obvious to all, except for those most determined "white-supremacists" in our media and in our Legislatures at both the national and state levels.  CNN is now designating the NEWS, as either "Red" or "Blue".  Beware of the old  Southern Strategy to turn to "White women" if and when all else fails in their long war on persons of color.  That was discussed as their rationale for inserting "women" as a "Minority" into the Civil Rights Legislation of the 1960's.

The White Right is now preaching open rebellion; and has done all it could to prevent repairs to our economy.  The First Black President has had  to act without Congressional support for everything, from fiscal policy to basic government operations.  The scum even travels abroad to undermine our foreign policy and to provide aid and comfort to the likes of Putin.

The problem:  a suicidal drive to make sure there is no effective power-sharing across color lines.  Its just that simple!  White, male "talking heads" in our media continue to dominate, and spin their "codes" for what passes for "public discourse".

Netanyahu seems to to be aping this behavior in the Middle East, as the Israelis run their own version of this strategy inside Israel.  Obama is "hemmed-in"  at home, by a Democratic Party that vacillates between its own fears of the Republican "base" that dominates our Congress.  Netanyahu  has announced the termination of Secretary Kerry's peace negotiations.  He has been in bed with our "corn-pone" Christians in the South since he hooked up with Falwell.

Stay Vigilant!  Putin is flexing his muscle by showing his ability to manipulate ethnic/racial groups, world-wide.  Cheney/Bush "depleted" the value of armed conflict as a remedy for our problems.  Diplomacy is the only "weapon" that remains. 

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Let's Take A Closer Look??

When we look below the MEDIA "Cover"; strange questions emerge as to what "really" is going on in the state of Nevada.  Is it the 21st Century version of "Fort Sumter"??  Why is Senator Reid, from the State of Nevada defending our Federal Government, while the Governor, Sandoval, and the state's other Senator, Heller, back Bundy and his fellow insurrectionists in their refusal to acknowledge the "legitimacy" of the United States Government?  "Curious"!; ain't it??

Las Vegas, is the place where a Big Money Backer of all things "Israeli", doles out big bucks to the likes of Romney and Jeb Bush, in his anti-Obama, and Pro-Netanyahu campaigns to weaken the United States of America.  

SCOTUS, with it's Taney-flavored ruling, Citizens United, has provided unlimited, and un-disclosed, access to money from anywhere on the planet; to "speak" at the ballot boxes in this country.

A few months back, there was a bizarre "shoot-out" and high-speed car crash on the Las Vegas Strip, that had all the markings of International Criminal Operations.   The Tea Party and  Republican champions inside FOX News, have lead the Propaganda Campaign  for those participating in "armed resistance" against our Federal Government that is now underway in Nevada.

Signs held by the insurrectionist "occupiers" of Bundy's Ranch speak of being "In Russia"!!  Republicans are beginning to "scatter", along with all types of "Conservatives", in the wake of Bundy's "revelations" of the racist, and Anti-Obama, underpinnings of this whole affair.

Stay Vigilant!  Are all of these "flavors" beginning to blend in Nevada?  Who remains loyal to our Constitution, these days??  NOT ONE REPUBLICAN IN 2014!  SAVE OUR CONSTITUTION!!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, April 25, 2014

LET (whites) "BE" (whites)??

White & Male & "In-Control"??

It's a tough time for white "Conservative" Males who are struggling to "adjust" their "Control" image.  Whether its Diana's kid, taking a stroll among the Crown's Human Capital outside Britain, showing off his own human capital, or Bundy, and his his followers in Nevada, showing their "brass balls" while stealing government grazing at the point of a gun; the many pictures we've been provided by Global Media over the past years since the 2008 Meltdown, and the election (twice) of a Black/White or White/Black President in the United States; NOBODY can ignore the prominence in our daily lives of Race, and White Male Supremacy, anymore!

Bill Maher calls it a "White Bubble" (one in which he is proud to be an inhabitant?).  A bubble with its own Mind-set, that is.  I call that Mind-set a "Cracker" Mind-set.  That is because the root of that Mind-Set, within the United States of America, is the white male; with a Bible in one hand, and the Lash in the other, beating the "humanity" out of their human capital.  All the while, white male leaders, from the time of our Founders, until this day, deny, or challenge, the humanity of all persons who are born without white skins.  Our Institutions, from the beginning, are built on this belief.  White Southerners in this country teach their children these lessons before they're out of diapers.  White Ethnic immigrants, and Jews, have their own version of this belief system,  that they operate outside of the Old South, and inside the Western states.  George Carlin put best!

Mom's Mabley's expression was: "You know white folk; you cain't live wid'em, and you cain't live wid-out em! ".   Obviously true before our Civil War; white males who fashioned Reconstruction, made sure to continue  black dependence on whites  that existed before the 1860s.  By breaking the tie between black parents and their children in the 1970s,  during the design of "integrated" public education; white and Jewish elites have micro-managed every step of the "education" travesty that exists in our public schools today.  Now we see the top two Politicians in in New York state, locked in combat over the education of privileged black kids who manage to get into Charter Schools.  Neither of the two (Italian) politicians, or the Jewish Women (one leading the Charter Fight and the other Defending Public School Teachers and their Union) have a personal "dog" in their fight.  Its the stupid black parents who think they can "win", somehow, while white, and  non-black taxpayers,  wage a battle to make sure they avoid any costs; and that their own children are not at risk in any way.  The rest of the nation's whites cheer on both sides, because they don't want to be taxed to "educate" non-white children, and want the public school system "privatized"..  This crap has been going on, in some version, for more than 100 years!

Morning Joe, and his ding-bat side kick, staged a bizarre "interview" with Hank Aaron inside Wrigley Field yesterday.  Check it out!  The camera captured "social distance" in a very curious way.  The estranged whites appeared like a group of children who stumbled across a "strange bug".  Neither Aaron, no anyone in Morning Joe's entourage appeared to be "comfortable" or "natural" in the exchange.   The image reflected much more that age and regional differences.  It shows how little has really changed since the days Jackie Robinson made the "change".

Pope-Too is scrambling to "finesse" the Fascist Roots of his Church and their global Sex Scandal by installing two "Saints" this coming Sunday.  The Nazi-Pope( ex) will attend.  In our Media Age, every Institution must engage in Public Relations, apparently.  Its all designed to insure White Supremacy continues; both at home and abroad?

Stay Vigilant!  Worship wisely!  Stop funding  your enemies!  Learn how to protect Black Children.!  Look closely at what is building, both in the U.S., and Eastern Europe as the emerging PUTIN version of this crap grows!  Is AFRICA once again, "in play"?  What are all of these "Foundations" really up to?

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

US; "BUSHWHACKED" (again) IN 2016??

"Floating Terrible Teddy" Cruz?

Yesterday, at my BMW Dealership, while waiting to see how well my "ageing Baby" was doing, I met two very interesting young men.  One a Cuban-American  in his early 40s, the other a young "mixed" white male, in his early 30s.  He was "American";  what the Media considers to be an "ordinary white".  The Hard Right would recognize the "white" guy, while having "difficulties" with the Cuban-American.  "Out West" to work in the oil fields of Texas and New Mexico, the Cuban-American moved from Miami recently.  He came on a raft from Cuba to Miami when he was 9 years old.  Both were interesting to know for highly different reasons.

The Cuban-American, much more experienced, and much more personally resourceful, was also much more accomplished, but still struggling. The white guy was a single parent with a young son.  The boy's mother wanted nothing to do with him.  The father was working a full-time job, while relying on friends and family to "back him" by providing a watchful eye while he was at work.  I immediately empathized with the young father, having raised four children as a single parent (following a debilitating divorce) in the 1980s.  My father had to do the same with eight children (ranging in age from 2 to 13) for four years, following my Mother's death in 1945.  Its a fate I would not wish on any caring parent.  It is impossible to be in two places at once, and the younger the child, the greater the damage for all involved (except for the abandoning parent).

Since the day in 1986 when Vasek Polak handed me the keys to my 635csi, black, on black, in black, "dream machine", it has performed wonderfully and well. Garaged all the way, it is still "showroom" sharp, with original clutch -- the engine has not had to be overhauled;  and it has more than 225,000 "fun-filled:, hi-speed miles on it.  I should fare so well!!

During the wait, I was able to discuss, with both, separately, their take on the news from our Supreme Court regarding discrimination in hiring and college admissions.  The white parent had a college degree, but was suffering badly from his family situation and the rotten job market.  The Cuban American was working in the oil fields and running a small business on the side.  He got out of Miami because it was "too crooked" for his tastes.

Both are extremely concerned for the fate of this country and its economy.  They don't see things getting better.  The SCOTUS ruling on 22Apr14,  portends darker days for our country and our economy, as the Justices (except for Sotomayor) "hunker down" behind their defensive position to protect the privileges of our declining "white" majority.  White, "Conservative" Dominance of U.S. Media (Cracker?) , insures success of the relentless Propaganda campaigns to keep the dominant narrative alive, and the general public asleep as regards the dangers they face from the likes of Bundy and his followers in Navada, or  neo-Fascist Judges who have tinkered with our fate since Bush v.Gore

Thomas Piketty, in CAPITAL, in the Twenty-First Century, writes: 
"In a way, we are in the same position at the beginning of the twenty-first century as our forebears were in the early nineteenth century: we are witnessing impressive changes in economies around the world, and it is very difficult to know how extensive they will turn out to be or what  the global distribution of wealth, both within and between countries, will look like several decades from now."

He goes on to cite the distinction between inequality in the distribution of wealth, and the distribution of incomes.

Stay Vigilant!  BIG MONEY bets are down; the Bushes are "in"!  The Senate is key to their overall game plan.  What are YOU doing to protect YOUR INTERESTS?

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

SCOTUS: "Allows" for Return of "MOB RULE" (WHITE)??

The "Mob" has to "Deliberate and Vote", (somehow)?

The Roberts Court was perhaps at it's most bizarre in yesterday's ruling on "Affirmative Action"!
Split cleanly along racial and ideological lines, "Clarence" and the five white, predominantly Catholic,  males, and the only white female (who played a Pontius Pilate "abstention" role) were complicit; while the lone female Jew, and lone female non-white, were in opposition.  This was a "hatchet" job, if ever there was one, and the Bushes had their fingerprints all over it! Should we erect the Fasces that adorn the Speaker's Chair in the House of Representatives inside our Supreme Court as well?

Daddy Bush gave us "Clarence" (1991)
"W" gave us the precipitating "Economic Meldown" (2008)
"Jeb" gave us "Stand Your Ground" and its impending consequences (On-going)

In what everyone knows is a thoroughly racist nation, with institutions formed by, and perpetuating, racial inequities; we have a Supreme Court populated by a majority who thinks that the way to "end discrimination" is to "Discriminate through majority rule"!!  Are they NUTS?, or simply "racist"?  Is it the case that only Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg were not served the Kool-Aid that "Clarence" prepares?

This ruling shows us that Martin Luther King was "duped", that Jackie Robinson was "used", and Thurgood Marshall was a Supreme Court Justice of significant stature to scare HELL out of the Lillipputians who took us back to the Taney Court yesterday.  There is no avenue through our courts for Minorities who are discriminated against, anymore.  We may be headed back  down a road toward Lynching, or worse!

Stay Vigilant!  This is the stuff that grows in a climate of rapidly advancing wealth-inequality.

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Can Global "MONEY" (remain totally) 'White'??

Can That "Change"??

In this mad, global, "scramble" for Power and Wealth; we may not get "beyond race"; but, MONEY just might make us think we can.  What do I mean?  Well, in the beginning of the Modern Period, (late 1400s), money and technological advances, then, favored the "rich" people who were rooted somewhere Europe or the Moslem East.

The latest issue of Town & Country Magazine, features the following 10 families: "Bushies", "Kerry's", "Murdoch's", "Emanuel", "Kennedy", "McCain", "Powell", "Pritzker", "Jordan", and "Barzun".  These are the names of the "Top-Ten Families" in the world, who their Magazine claims  "have muscle"; it seems.  What!! ?? No Obama's, No Putin's?  Could this explain why the MEDIA is having a Field Day driving us crazy with crap about "Keystone" and "Pipeline"?  Where were these people when Cheney/Bush were holding their "secret"  Energy Confabs with the likes of Ken Lay;  before we invaded Iraq?  Will these people also be to blame if the Repoobs get control of our Senate this Fall?; and complete their decades-long campaign to destroy Democracy in the United States and replace (THE GOVERNMENT) with Market-Driven Corporations?

And we thought that the First Black President would change our RACE-driven history, once and for all?
NOT!!  The racial contempt shown for this President and for people who are not white, or, are poor, or, are female, or,  all of the above; coming from the Hard, White, Right, has been painful to behold.  The are intent on insuring that NO POWER Sharing will take place with the first (acknowledged) Non-White President!

But does that really matter?  What if the "color" that really matters is the new color of Global Money?  What if only dollars will do the bidding for those whites who think they control the world,; and plan to CONTINUE doing so.  We see that they have decided to "lighten their load" within the past few years.  They've recently had to toss poor whites to their fate -- guess there'not enough "loot" go go around?   No wonder Putin's "Mad as Hell"?

Of all the Trailer Trash that has "Made It" in this country, through politics, mostly, and in my life-time; the most prominent have been folk like Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton??  Maybe Hillary never had any intention to "Run".  Maybe she and Bubba are making sure Chelsea doesn't "fall out of the money fold"?  Maybe now, we see the real power of "Foundations" that are based in white skin, and have such easy access to the world's rising wealth in the Developing Nations?

I'm starting to tackle the "tome" that is entitled Capital In the 21st Century (Thomas-Piketty).  Joel Kotkin, in his 1992 book; TRIBES, cites the phenomenon of: "ethnicity as a defining factor in the evolution of the global economy".  Five "principal groups - the Jews, British, Japanese, Chinese and Indians" have three critical characteristics of:
  (1) A strong ethnic identity and sense of mutual dependence
  (2) A global network based on mutual trust
  (3) A passion for technical, and all other knowledge, from all possible sources

Stay Vigilant!  This old Ball is "Spinnin' a lot faster than most of us think!  Where is your money?? Who Controls it?  Who Controls what you THINK?  Who Controls what your KIDS think?

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, April 21, 2014

Is "MONEY" the new 'WHITE-SPEECH'??

What "Millenial" non-Whites Need to Know??

The Five, Hard-Right, Catholic, (Fascist?) Judges, installed on our Supreme Court during the terms of "W" and Cheney, have ruled, in Citizens United, that Money is Speech.  Although the white-controlled Public Schools have, since "Integration"; begun in the mid-50s, "managed" to confuse non-white children about the way we govern (or, don't) ourselves; it is imperative, in the 21st Century, that young non-whites understand where we are on this subject, and how we got here.

Basics:  The Founding Fathers were careful to limit the "benefits" of the Constitution to White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Males. It was clear, then, that other white males (Catholics, "other Ethnics"; and Jews) were NOT INCLUDED.  Neither were all Non-whites who lived on the land, and those early white males who "Integrated" peacefullly, with Natives.

Known as "Mountain Men" (multiple nationalities, multiple colors);  they were replaced by Thugs who immigrated with the great un-washed hordes of dirt-poor Europeans who washed up on the shores of the Americas; in droves.  Those who came in through what is now the United States, fled our "civilized" East; to the "Lawless West".  They became gun-toting killers for hire. or leaders of marauding gangs.    Hollywood turned these killers into dime-novel "heroes".

The "Exterminating Presidents" beginning with Andy Jackson, and culminating with Polk, used these thugs to expand territory toward the Pacific Ocean.  Joined by other marauding groups, like the Mormons, mayhem reigned in the "Wild West".  With the un-provoked invasion of Mexico in 1846, the table was set for our Civil War.   That War wiped out the WASP influence of our Founders, and the great -unwashed whites gained ascendancy through Reconstruction.  Those whites have dominated our politics and economy since the time of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.  

Because of the economic upheavals leading up to World War II, and following a massive influx of more un-washed whites from Europe (look up Bogardus' Social Distance Data from 1926 to learn how the whites sorted themselves out).  That white-power coalition of wealthier whites and poor whites who used "Law" to control non-whites and the economy, lost that grip in the mid-50s.  Since that time, with declining numbers, the whites have turned to hard-Right politics (economic and religious) and limitations of Rights for the poor (all colors).  That brought the current "Supremes" to Citizens United.  With steadily declining numbers, DOLLARS now replace lost white voting power, from here forward.  MARKETS and dominance of markets across the global economy is the new "ground" that is to be globally contested; where white, corporate interests are combining to rule the planet.  What we all face is a world in which money (for the rich whites) and bullets (for poor whites who recently have been tossed aside by the rich) are the instruments that are becoming the new "free speech".  Where do YOU stand?  Consult your MIRROR!  Also important, will be your ability to decipher the subliminal messages in ADVERTISING!  Check out the new ad featuring "Neutering" and the dog -- see how many subliminal and fascist, messages you can detect; both audio and visual.

Stay Vigilant!  The New "White Speech" brought us the Meltdown of 2008.  Will it give the WHITE RIGHT total power in 2014?

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

"SURVIVAL" in the 21st Century??

We're ALL "Survivalists" NOW?

I don't think "sane heads", and, as the old saying goes: "nobody's sane, anymore, except, maybe, for me and you; and sometimes I's not so sure about you!! ; PUTIN puts the entire planet on the same footing!  If he's "Crazy", he's crazy with those ancient evils that have plagued mankind since we crawled out of the caves and the slime.  He's drunk on "Firepower" (what stupid McCain and his kind mistake for "Power"), and craves MONEY and other forms of Wealth.  He is expert in the manipulation of some of the most craven and ethnically vicious people on our planet (as revealed, in detail, during World War II).  Today, they are dirt poor, vicious, spread across the planet, and ravenously determined to wrest control over all they can reach.  They will stop at nothing!  We learned by the behavior of too many Europeans during World War II, how they proved to be the the world's ultimate "Triangulaters":  They played all sides at the same time, until no "sides"  remained;  for anyone!   Today, think Syria, abroad, and Republicans, here at home.

Minority Groups; Indians (from India) and Pakistani's who have historically played the tianguling game; (Machiavelli, with a racial or ethnic twist), to the detriment of themselves and all they reach; are busy moving among us all in this impending choas; sowing more chaos (think Louisiana, and South Carolina)!

We have a  Global Laboratory before us all,  from which to "identify" those historic and traditional "bad actors" among us.  Our failure to see clearly, hear clearly,  in a world never before so inundated with slick Propaganda; and to accurately inform ourselves as to what is truly unfolding, in all parts of our planet, will bring about our demise as a species far more quickly than "Environmental" threats that can be confused with "natural" forces.

Stay Vigilant!  Remember, NOBODY likes CHANGE!  We all scramble to get back to a past that we failed to understand when we lived in it!  HAPPY EASTER??  The things we believe to be RIGHT are harder to change than those things we believe to be WRONG!  A world run by MARKETS, in charge of WEAK GOVERNMENTS, is a threat to Freedom everywhere!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Friday, April 18, 2014

"MASS SUICIDE?? "Whites" cannot be "TERRORISTS"?? OH, NO!, Lisa!!

This Should "Scare HELL" out of ALL??

Last night, on Lehrer's Newshour, I heard Gwen's  interview of a guest, who described a very dangerous Mind-Set, and explains much of the confusion we all suffer at this juncture following two Obama Elections.  Lisa Monaco, 6th United States Homeland Security Adviser, and 4th Assistant Attorney General for National Security was the interviewee!

Since the Boston Bombing, a year ago, our Media has been confused and "pained" to not call that a "Terrorist" Act.  We're trying one of the alleged perpetrators in our domestic courts; after a boat-load of  crap from the Neo-Cons over the past decade, justifying why that type of trial should not take place  " in-America".   The Media called the Tsarnaev's "white' in their early "News" reports; only, later, to have to eat those words!  Were the bombers "white"/ or Not?  Rolling Stone gave us front-cover pictures of the one being tried, to help, us, no doubt, to decide the "color" of the bombers.  If  "not-white", they can be called Terrorists, otherwise, we need some other "label" for them.  In spite of Gwyn's every effort to pin down Lisa Monaco, she slipped out of her grasp by offering another substitute for "Terrorist" to wrestle with her her dilemma.

Lisa offered us alternative labels like: "Hate Crime"; "Extremists", and explained why Homeland Security cannot "handle" these white guys, (and so, far, they've been mostly young, white males).  She offered instead Community, or Faith, or other group-involvement to "turn them away from violence".  That assertion scared Hell out of me.  As I wrote in yesterday's blog, the likelihood of the Overland Park Shooter, being  deterred after more than 70 years of being steeped in the hatred that still festers in that part of the United States, defies sane thinking!  This wringing of hands in the face of bold, armed insurrection within the United States (look at the footage of the gunmen on the overpass in Nevada the other day) is nothing less than cowardice on the part of our white citizenry and the LOCAL GOVERNMENTS that will not protect the Public Safety!!

Is this evidence of the power of the CRACKER MINDSET, the racial version of "Orwellian Group Think"??  Can we define the Group that thinks this way, and has enough power to "cower" our local law enforcement, and the vast Homeland Security apparatus erected by Cheney/Bush?   Have our Law Enforcement agencies gone over to the side of the Enemies of our State?  If so, White Citizens of the United States are committing mass suicide; led by the Propaganda Machines of FOX and CNN!  Have these groups infiltrated Homeland Security the way they have our House of Representatives?

Stay Vigilant!  VOTE in 2014 against the interests of these characters and their shadowy backers!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Did the SLAVES "Understand It Better"??

I was admitted into Peter Drucker's Advanced Executive MBA Program in 1985, after he read my 1972 Master's Thesis: American Values in Black and White.  During the program; (completed with straight A's in 1987), I often argued with Peter about differing aspects, mostly financial and economic, of Race in the United States.   In accordance with my personal and professional experiences, and with the results of my research over the years up to that time (1939-1987), we had a great deal to argue about.  Some of these occurred in our various classes; others were one-on-one.  Of the many positions Peter held in our arguments, the one that I had the most difficult time with was his assertion that American Blacks were essentially "whites" with non-white skins.  I wrestled with that assertion then, and since.  I've finally come to the conclusion, after viewing the collective reaction of whites in this country to the First Black President; (Peter, unfortunately died in 1995 and did not witness this evolution in our history)  that Peter was wrong!.

Peter arrived in this country in 1939, the year I was born.  He was well established and went on to a very pivotal career in helping our government and industries to survive and win World War II.  "Management" for my generation and much of the generation before me was "defined" by Peter Drucker.  He extended his management wisdom and theories into emerging Non-Profits; "Entrepreneurship"; the newly evolving  European Union; Japanese Economic Development in the 1980s; Silicon Valley; and the newly evolving Global Economy.  He predicted with uncanny accuracy in the mid-19080s, chapter and verse of what we're struggling with in our Domestic and Global Economies today.  And eplained the causes.  I completed his program during the time that Ivan Boesky and the new "Money Boys" were coming into, creating havoc (and impending demise?) of a great economic history of the United States; from the rise of the Robber Barons in the late 1800s to the collapse of old-line American Companies as the end of the 20th Century approached.  We're living in "Fast Money" times; they lived in "Slow, and Secure Money"; that period that followed the collapse of 1933.

I grew up among people like that Jewish Center Shooter in the Kansas /City region a few days ago.  The Shooter is an "Older" white male, a year or so younger than me.  Too many Missourians and Kansans, on both sides of their shared border, their parents, and their children, share the mind-set that the shooter exhibited following the shooting.  Its the region where the Rodeo Clown  "dissed" our President!  The assassin of Martin Luther King was "recruited" from that region.  I have been on a life mission to find explanations for people like them; and why they exert so much influence on what I call the Cracker Mindset in  the United States.  I found the answers in my research.  The inhabitants of the "White Side of the Tracks" have shaped what I call the Cracker Mind Set we see so much in evidence in the Murdoch Press, ( FOX "sludge"), and Rush and his Talk-Show minions.  The citizens who hold fast their "whiteness", but declare that no white person in this country is"racist", have become dupes in "denial" and  consumers of"double-speak".  

What Peter did not see, that even the Old Black Slaves understood, early on, was that there was something fundamentally different between  those who cling to "whiteness" in their times, and today, in the 21st Century, and those who fully understand and believe in basic humanity   Those who believe and behave otherwise can be found on overpasses with guns, defying "law and order"!.  Unfortunately, since the "Backlash Period" began in 1954, and the shift began by "White elites and their supporters" to abolish the bonds between black parents and their children, and to move "segregation" under the collective roof of "white-controlled Public Education; we now have those younger blacks that conform to Peter's observations, and my generation who wereraised by our communities and disciplined and schooled under the watchful eyes of our parents.  Whites deliberately destroyed  our communities; producing children who were ignorant of who they really were!  Many of us today,  are still  fundamentally different!  We ,like the Old Black Slaves," understood it better" and built more secure communities.  They were able to keep their kids safe, and much better educated that thosr "protected" whites on the other side of the tracks.  The products of those generations and the contributions to what is essentially "American" stand out.  No blacks since that time can compare in quality or quantity with the likes of a Duke Ellington, for instance.  The difference is that they learned to respect themselves and their own, in ways the likes of Condi and Clarence will never understand.  The descendants of the whites in that region are basically the same as their forebears.

Stay Vigilant!  No Self-Respect; no respect from others. No Respect from Others; no ACCEPTANCE (perpetually controlled by whites?)  Then, there are the "kiss-up-kick-down" crowd of "browns" from places like India who move into the South, assuming the roles of people like David Duke!   Putin "Gets It"; why don't we?  A world run my "Markets" and weak, or no "Government" (law and order), will destroy what we came to know as "Humanity".. Greed and "Religion" are the "force couple" driving this horror! 

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

IS the "end-game" NEAR??

Boehner in "Extremis"??

I know it will be difficult, but the "Tea" leaves are showing that the "END" may be drawing near!
Break-lock from the captivating aromas emitted by FOX, Rush, and CNN, and check out Rachel Maddow and Fareed Zacharia.  They will tell you stuff, carefully-researched; "fact" based, that you won't get from the the other MEDIA outlets, or the "Stink-Tanks, like Heritage.  

Rachel  revealed that the Jewish Center Shooter was an undercover informant for the FBI.  Fareed tells us that Israel (at least that part under the influence of Netanyahu), and India are breaking away from their historic ties to the United States, and are being drawn into Putin's orbit!  India, for Russian arms sales; and Netanyahu, because his "constituents" are Russian Jews, and He is Netanyahu!.  So is it time yet to WAKE UP??

Back to Boehner:  If he is NOT a paid collaborator of Enemies of our Nation, he could certainly "pass" for one!  He sure ain't no "Tip" Oneill! (one of the GOOD Irish among us?).  The other one, Mad Ronnie, the Hard-Left Liberal who "flipped" to Hard-Right Neo-Con (Neo-Nazi??) influenced by the founders of the Heritage Foundation, grew up as "Shanty" Irish.  I guess "Tip" at least knew some "Lace-Curtain Irish".

RONNIE told us "Government is the Problem!"  Poorly schooled, and not a deep thinker, Reagan knew his audience (most successful "actors" do).  He knew that the overwhelming majority of whites in this country were "schooled" in how to become "white" -- but were not "educated" above grade-school levels.  My Dad told me of his experience in 1944 at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis, Mo.  Very few of the whites could read or write.  They were hooked on the (then new) Comics Books -- invented in the 1930s by young Jews, and used to ingratiate themmselves to oppressing Gentiles.  (The white super-heros were enemies of evil non-whites).  The were led to believe that, so long as they were white, (a premium; if also male), they didn't have to be "bright"!  They did not NEED "education"; they thought.  They doomed the current generation of white citizens in this country as a result.  The Rabble that is now the Republican Party are convinced that IF, they can destroy our Federal Government, (and Obama), they can SURVIVE and strive within our RED state governments.

In the RED states, there is total break-down of government structure, and law and order, at every governmental level.  The "GANGS" rule, or, organizations like the one Christie runs in New Jersey, or the "Religious" gangs posing as "Christians"; lke the Mormons, or the Southern, "Corn-Pone Christians" in our Old South, that have charmed Netanyahu into their fold.

The lawless rabble in Nevada who have been stealing grazing facilities from the Federal Government for decades, are ready, and willing, to start the next Civil War in the United States.  They are aided and abetted by Republicans like Huckaby and Boehner.  Are there ANY Republicans who remain LOYAL to the United States of America?

Stay Vigilant!  These forces, along with the old-line Southern Crackers, are coalescing for some kind of End-Game!

Copyright © 2014: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


The "Secret Sauce" ??

Surviving almost 400 years of the most brutal treatment of mankind by other men, African Americans in the United States can lay claim to being the only "true LIBERTARIANS" in this country!  As the old saying goes:
We've had to survive so much, for so long, with so little (material resources);
We now face a future where we have to survive (and thrive?) ... on NOTHING!!
We've become the world's prime "innovators"!!

How have white (male) citizens, from the Founding slavers, to Abraham Lincoln, to today's "Robber-Baron" 1%, managed to maintain their "hold" on power.  How are they "managing" their "secret sauce" today?  Is Putin concocting his own, global and "ethnic" version, in his efforts to pursue his dream of a New Russian Imperial "World Order"?

Two things occurred in our "Mind-F MEDIA" yesterday that may yield some clues.  The Southern Poverty Law Center, is in the news, "explaining" the gruesome "hate crime" against Jews yesterday (in which no Jews were physically harmed), and Charlie Rose wrestled lat night with the President of Ecuador over "Liberation Theology" and  Freedom Movements in places like Ecuador, Venezuela, Columbia, and other parts of Latin America.

Does it strike you, as is has for me, somehow "odd" that a "private" deep-South quasi-Liberal organization immediately springs to the fore to "protect" the "Civil" Rights of Jews and Black Americans?  They've done so for years, with curious "cooperation" with law enforcement, from local to Federal levels?  They forge "bonds" and develop "trust" with the "haters", and allow them to function while they "track" the groups.  Why are the targeted minority groups NEVER allowed to speak for themselves?  Curious, ain't it!  Over many decades, we've complacently gotten "used to it".  Liberal whites (aversive racists?) have curiously fed Conservative whites (dominant racists?) in matters involving minorities and "Civil" Rights.  We still don't know how to address issues of HUMAN Rights for non-whites!   The difference between Spanish (Catholic) history and English (Protestant) history in the Americas; warrant close scrutiny. 

Our State Department has, for more than a century, worked abroad, fomenting chaos, and overthrowing governments in "our national interest".  I know of no-one who has been polled by our State Department to determine what our "national interests" are.  Presidents, appoint political cronies, with some narrow economic interest in certain parts of the world to "represent us" and we're TOLD what little we may later discover; we'r never CONSULTED.  Obama and Kerry are struggling with centuries of detritus that has piled upon this nation after centuries of this "process".  Catch Charlie's show and witness his difficulty in "selling" his own Manifest Destiny mind-bent.   Ken Burns, following in the tradition of Twain and Disney, continues the practice begun by Birth Of A Nation.

What is the "secret sauce" in all of this?  It traces back to the Slave Master practice in the Deep South, of summarily executing any group of three or more blacks found congregating (outside of their "churches").  Any white man, woman, or child, had the power to make this happen, without question.  This practice, to insure that no "bonds" of trust could be formed among blacks, persists in many forms today.  Collectives are based on implicit bonds that involve blind trust.  All wealth formation requires some type of "organization" or bond, or belief system that permits that trust to take hold and persist.  ONLY WHITE MALES EXERCISE THAT POWER TODAY; in politics, government, foreign policy, in our media, in our Television advertising, ... it's EVERYWHERE!  This "Secret Sauce" has been cleverly kept and re-designed throughout our history to bring about the phenom of FOX and the Republicans, and the evolving slavery of BIG MONEY that invades all of our lives (all working folk, that is).  This explains why non-whites "integrate", and whites don't??

Stay Vigilant!  How are your BONDS working, these days?  Are you losing a lot of TRUST in things you've always taken for granted?  Keep an eye on Putin; he even has his own path to a separate, but kindred, Christian Religion!

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, April 14, 2014

KEEPIN' "hate" A-LIVE??

Once Again??  "All It takes For EVIL to "Win" ...

Be reminded, in this EASTER Season;  Jesus, On the Cross, is reported to have said:  "Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do".

Just how big is that IGNORANCE BAG??  In these days of Ailes and others in the Rupert Murdoch Media, and race-baiting talk radio hosts, DO WE REALLY "KNOW" anything??  Not if we don't WANT to!!  

We're being told today by the representatives of the Southern Poverty Law Center that our military is involved in this, for training of the bushwhackers, arming of the "militias", and/ possibly, building more "cells".  We see more and more the over-policing and extremism of trigger-happy police in various states.

Going back to my youth in that part of the country; the home base for Harry Truman, the place where President Obama was racially trashed at the Missouri State Fair.  In our history, that region was the location of "Bleeding Kansas", John Brown.  I lived in the poison in that region from my birth in 1939, until I could leave in 1959.  The poison remains in the soil and is reflected in the stories of The James Boys who were turned into folk heros by our corrupt 'entertainment' MEDIA.

Jonestown; Branch Dividians; Ruby Ridge; Timothy McViegh; the unending parade of white males who are appearing on our streets and in our schools, and in our theaters -- we excuse them all if they're "white" culprits.  Our collective AMNESIA is astounding!

Do we really think that the bad actors in our Congress and who steal from us all in the name of "Bubbles" are somehow NOT at part of this social fabric.

In a very recent PR event designed to elevate the tarnished image of LBJ, no mention was made of the WELL KNOWN fact that LBJ and J.Edgar Hoover were "thick as thieves".  We also know that Hoover infiltrated his FBI as double agents throughout the South in his personal belief that Black Americans were "Communists".  His "blackmail files" served him well (and LBJ) to perpetuate and build his power.  His fingerprints are on the deaths of Attorney General Kennedy, he tampered, through Gerald Ford, in the proceedings of the Warren Commission.  All of this reported in our open "free" press; yet we DON'T REALLY KNOW ANY OF THIS.  Ditto for Hoover's links to the assassinations of King and Malcolm.
Were those five years under LBJ (1963-1968), collectively the "first 9/11" -- and NOBODY KNEW??

Stay Vigilant!  The depth and capacity for willful ignorance on the part of the white citizenry of the United States of America "boggles the mind"!!  We keep on on "keepin' hate alive"!!  Putin has been "schooled well" by the stupid, and cowardly, citizens of the United States of America!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, April 13, 2014

OOPs !! ; R the "Dopes", now, "ROPED"??

The "THUNDER" of Young, Female, Feet?
Heading for the POLLS, This FALL!

Did the Kool-Aid Formula for the HARD RIGHT get "spiked" over the weekend??  For some strange
reason, all of the leading wannabe's on the HARD RIGHT have flipped their tunes.  They're sounding like
PRESIDENT OBAMA!!  They're attacking the Top, rich, "1%;  opposing Unequal pay;  attacking "Wall St' ; What the Hell Happened?  Well, someone helped them to read the polls:  young, unmarried, women, to include young unmarried, "mothers", are MAD AS HELL, and aren't gonna take it anymore.  They're heading for the polls in 2014, and that ain't good news for the Republicans!  The wannabe's were funded, at the New Hampshire speeches, by the Koch Brothers!

The nuts in the House who have a strangle hold on our Federal Government, were "gettin it on" in their race-driven  orgy's of "Ben-Ghazi", "Fast & Furious", "Anti non-white immigration"; and "IRS"; and they forgot to look up and check on what was happening as a result.  I'm reminded of the version of The Wizard of Oz, starring Michael Jackson, entitled "The Wiz", in which he, prophetically, sang "You Cain't Win".  The Wizard, didn't have to change the rules, he simply changed the Colors.  Nixon didn't have to change a thing to keep the old rotten Southern system intact, he simply switched the names of the Parties.  To find the White Race Card in Obamacare, think, for a moment, of whether, as was true in my youth, you would want to visit a doctor when you were sick, or an Insurance Agent. Knowing that Insurance is an industry in our nation that has always been far more wealthy than our banks, and that it was regulated at the STATE level; it was a slam dunk!  He gave the Old South back what it had always had, and free money with which to fund it.  Throughout my lifetime, smart investors knew never to buy any insurance that was home-based below the Mason-Dixon Line.  The CIA had bestowed a gift of the Nazi scientists to the old South, giving them a foot-up in the rising Aeorspace Industry.

Michael Lind, in his book, Next American Nation, (1995) writes: 

"The political feat of the Southern slave owners is truly remarkable -- a minority within a minority section, they managed to dominate a populous nation's politics for more than half a century.  The only comparable feat is the way that the Prussian Junkers, a backward land-owning military caste on the Germanic-Slav frontier, managed to create and dominate the German nation-state from the Bismark era to their annihilation as a class at the hands of Stalin's armies and Hitler's Gestapo."  

Michael needs to update this.  The Cracker Mind-set of the Old South is still in the saddle; and in a death-throes struggle to defeat the First Black President; in spite of whatever the majority of our citizens clearly want instead.

Stay Vigilant!  What it comes down to is a world in which we strive toward "Shane", or "Butch Cassidy and Sundance".  How do we acquire wealth?  How do we KEEP wealth?  So far, Criminality is winning in our Global Economic slog.

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The 'MADNESS' of Clinging To 'WHITENESS', (when we have DNA)!

Where Doe It All End?

From the time of Isabella, to today's Royal Baby George, the madness of white skin primacy and privilege, is still with us.  A version growing like a cancer within the United States, as the whites here, struggle with declining numbers, to no avail, despite decades of political chicanery to cement their power; is moving us ever closer to social and economic collapse.

"Poor George ...!"  Those famous words, uttered by the late, and Great, Ann Richards, pertained to Daddy Bush and his "silver foot".  It might also be applied to Royal Baby George and his "silver spoon"; because, as his proud parents, in the service of Great Grandma, are parading him around the globe to be worshiped by the faithful; there is a sense, that most people don't really care, anymore.

Perhaps the past 500 years of horrors and the resulting tremendous wealth that was produced to form Western Culture and to benefit of the crowned heads of Europe are the problem. Following their release upon this planet of their butchers and Conquerors,  we learn that all that wealth does very little to quell this drift toward ruin.  It really comes down to numbers!  The whites on this planet are an incredibly shrinking minority!  Europe and its "spin-offs" (United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, most of Spanish Americas), always a minority in terms of world population, now face a growing, hostile, and impoverished majority that is not as tolerant of European abuses as they have been in the past.  All Western nations share an aversion for any and everything AFRICAN (except for its lucrative, readlily-convertible resources).

Then, there's PUTIN.  He breaks onto the scene, posing as the worst nightmare of those who thought Totalitarianism was a thing of our recent past.  Whether he is the Hitler version, the Stalin version, or some sort of blend; our Cracker Right is drooling in its praise of Putin and his "decisiveness".  Make no mistake, the DIVIDE that Putin is fostering in Eastern Europe and other places on the planet (Syria?); is far more dangerous than the nukes we faced in the Cold War.  Seeing himself as the new Messiah for a hastily resurrected, Christian/Russian Religion, he is says he wants a new, EURASIAN (no Africa ties?) return to a new Soviet Union.

Meanwhile, here in the U.S., we continue to march toward a new DIVIDE that will shove all blacks, other non-whites (except for Indian (from India), and other "Kiss-up; Kick-down " non-white immigrants, who are Putin admirers among us.  The 2014 Off-Year Election appears to be a pivotal point to show whether History continues its forward march for this country; or takes a U-Turn, to return to the days before 1965. Before then, all non-whites were kept outside of our economy (kept under the control of whites) and out of all political and social life in the United States.  The MEDIA was, and is,  the tool most used for this purpose.

We've known for half a century or more, that just about ALL residents of the Americas are racially mixed with African, European, and Native Blood.  With DNA, it easily traced.  Regardless of the "eye-ball" test used by everyone, that elusive "One-drop" terrifies whites to this day.  Many people who are Octaroons have no visible trace of African ancestry.

Stay Vigilant!  All citizens who wish to save our CONSTITUTION must take to the streets, with others who are of like mind, and DEFEAT the CRACKER stronghold that is immobilizing our government!

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Friday, April 11, 2014

RACE SUMMIT: Breaking the "CODES"??

Different Strokes, for Different Folks

Boehner is in the Media this morning, lying his butt off, attempting to sell the lie that "Race" has nothing to do with what's going on in the House that he claims to run.  Anyone who believes that lie after, what we've all seen over the past six years, has his head buried deep within the Cracker Mind Set.  Pope Too is out in the Media, also, begging his sheep to "forgive" what the Church did to their own, defenseless, children over the past several decades; ALL OVER THE PLANET!!  Only those who were abused can answer such a plea!  The rest of us have nothing to add, and must no provide "cover" for their  EVIL!  The African form of Christianity, perfected by Mandela and Tutu, knew a thing or two about "Forgiveness".  The way they practice it, drives the Cracker Mind bananas!! (Pistorius, anyone?).  Blacks outside of Africa have to go back to school and understand what the slaves saw  when they "adapted: to the "Christian"  Religion??

Back to the Race Summit:  Four Presidents; Four Different Messages (Strokes) about Race, in 2014, in these United States of America.  "W" spoke, trying to put "perfume" on the pile of sh*t he permitted Cheney to saddle us with.  Billy-Bob Clinton spoke, trying to reassure Hillary that Black Voters are still comfortably asleep, and will vote for her in droves, should she "decide" to run.  Most of the women in the Black Caucus are sill stupid enough to believe the Clinton was really the "first black" President.  So much for the Black Southern Mind-Set!  Hapless Jimmy Carter is still trying to get Southern Christianity "Right", by spinning the message that White Women are the REAL slaves.  Obama is simply trying every way he can to keep "out foxin", Uncle Remus-Style, the Buzzards in the House of Representatives who have hamstrung the ability of our economy to function.  The will let Obama have the "symbol" of office, but NO POWER!

So, given this, who are the BAD GUYS?  Some of all of the above, actually.  It really falls to Blacks and other non-whites to keep these centuries-old White Power Symbols from destroying all of our chances for meaningful change, and some kind of peace and stability in the 21st Century.

Stay Vigilant!  If you're one of those who believe Obama can have "symbolic power", but no REAL Power, then you're living in the Cracker Mind-Set (regardless of your skin color, class, or place of origin).  Get a Grip, many of your fellow Whites have, long since, "caught-on", and will not participate in this crap!

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Thursday, April 10, 2014

OH, NO JOE(scarborough); Not YOU Too!! A Volley from the CRACKER Mind-Set on RACE

When will BLACKs Learn the VALUE of SELF-RESPECT??

Well, He did it!  He up and "OUTED" himself this morning (on Morning Joe, before 7am EST).  There they were, Joe, his Ding-Bat side-kick (to mollify any female viewers?), and the "usual suspects" gathered, klan-fashion, before the mikes and cameras to talk ABOUT blacks, (they seem never to talk TO blacks).  Defending the likes of Gohmert of Texas, Joe supported the vile, racist tactics in play in Boehner's "Fun House" as Politics As Usual!  As anyone with an I.Q. of 10 or above, will know, this is damn sure NOT usual, Washington-style "Politics"!!   The FBP and Black AG and highly UNUSUAL, in just about every way imaginable! 

With the onset of Reconstruction; Race became a mainstay of our national politics, but never on the surface.  Woodrow Wilson, perhaps the most openly racist president of that period, took great pains to hide his hand in his racial politics.  The K.K.K. was the true political party for whites in this country then,  as white ethnics were "compressed" by the public school system into a single "white" block of people.  It is precisely because there is no interest in that happening to non-whites, that our Public Schools have been the place, since 1954, where white, and racist, interests played out the past 50 years of destroying black children by substituting School Boards and racist teachers and administrators to Segregate and confuse black children, and, to replace the influence of their parents in their education.  They have succeeded brilliantly at this strategy.  Black parents must re-take control over the education of their children!  Only the parents can teach SELF-RESPECT to their children!

Back to hapless Joe; he singularly fails to understand that Politics in this country has been, over our history, more related to what a major public official DOES; not who he or she IS, as a human being.  We all know, that where black citizens are concerned, its all about who the ARE, genetically.  NOBODY can be held
responsible for the circumstances of their birth.  Morning Joe is nothing more that Imus-lite, it seems.

Striving to "prove" Attorney General Holder wrong in his assertion that no prior Attorney General has been treated similarly as to to this first black AG; Scarborough drags up Sleezy Meese (watergate action, not genetics), Janet Reno(gender, not race).  He steered clear of Gonzales, for some reason.  He might note that Atty General Thornberg (Nixon era) was not treated with ANY level of disrespect.  This message is wasted on the likes of Sharpton, Powell, Thomas, and Condi Rice, I'm afraid.  We can all pity the poor Black Conservative who is poisoning their own with 21st Century Racism, labeled "Conservatism".  Born in the Deep South, this "accommodation" tactic is only useful to those blacks still trapped in that region.

In this week of celebration in Austin by the not-yet-dead Presidents, and President Obama, of 50 years of Civil Rights (blacks are still falling for Civil Rights instead of Human Rights); maybe, just maybe, Holder, Elijah Cummings, and others are beginning to fathom the high cost of prostituting their self-respect in order to "get ahead".  This age-old practice, born in the bloody, lash-ruled deep South, must be extinguished in the 21st Century.  If Putin get his global, ethinc version of this crap established, it can be "lights-out" economically and politically for EVERYONE!

Stay Vigilant!  Keep an eye out for sessions like that Scarborough put on this morning.  The Cracker MInd-set will take drastic measures, it seems, to survive and extend its power.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014


The RIGHT and the LEFT "Convene" in Austin, TX

Austin, of all places, (I guess Sam's town; Houston, might be worse).  Those two old reprobates are notorious for their racial hatreds against blacks and "Hispanics" (you should look up Sam Houston's definition of an "Hispanic").  The Hard Right and the Hard Left are convening to congratulate themselves (black and white) for their handiwork on Race over the past 50 years.  "W", Jimmy, and Obama will speak (I'm not sure Daddy Bush will speak; but I'm sure Jeb would LOVE to)!

Following the past 5 or 6 years of some of the most vitriolic raw racism, openly displayed in our Media and to the world, in the guise of a Presidential Campaign (2 of them), the "conveners" must think that none of us have a brain, or a short-term memory; or, for sure, a long-term memory; that reaches back 50 years!

The protracted, stealth, race war that has consumed politics in this country since 1954, rages full-bore today, both domestically, and with an interesting variant that Cheney/Bush applied to the Middle East during their time at the till.  They "shot the wad" of our nation's defense and economic strengths, only to strengthen the hand of Iran.  Mubarak warned them not to hang Saddam!  They did, gleefully, snapping his head off.  Mubarak's head rolled as a result.  They plunged our economy to near-total ruin before they could get out of office.  McCain, who was slated to take-over, ran for the hills, scared sh*tless, and has been back-stabbing the skinny half-black, half-white kid who was convinced he could "fix" things and clean up the mess.

Now, it seems that Putin has been taking notes, and launching his own version of this crap among white ethnics in Europe, and, perhaps, here in the United States?

Stay Vigilant!  Absolute "control" of the "hearts and minds" of non-whites and women in the U.S. is the real agenda?? 

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014


... By Black Males in the U.S. ??

The Emancipation Proclamation "armed" black males who served  to defend our Union.  The Congress, following the assassination of Lincoln, gave black males the Vote.  The "armed" blacks, following the Civil War, had no prior experiences they wanted to return to, like those whites who were mustered out of service.  They were sent West, to "win" that part of our country and make it safe for the Railroads and Hispanics in the newly evolved New Mexico Territory.  Hollywood, using the famous "dime novels" of that era, evolved over the years since the LIES about  "White-Hat Cowboys"  and other myths that formed the fabric of the "Cowboy" mentality that pollutes the minds and politics of citizens today.  The truth about those evil characters who fled from the "civilized" East to the "lawless" West, can be easily discovered by those who want to know.  The Black Soldiers became "Buffalo Soldiers"; many of whom were winners of tens of Congressional Medals of Honor for their work in the Southwest.  They were not associated with the "Custer Massacre" in the Little Big Horn.  The Evil gunslingers, after losing a battle with the Buffalo Soldiers in Lincoln County, became Texas Rangers.

It was the Vote that was most attractive to Black Males; especially  those who were the ancestors of  current characters like Clarence, Condi, and others, who trample their fellow blacks to make "Carpetbagger" deals with Northern Whites.  The Buffalo Soldiers were retained in uniform service until our Armed Services were "integrated" in 1948.  They were kept hidden in places like Bisbee, Arizona, and Fort Huachucha, and led by white officers like "Black Jack" Pershing.  Some of my most treasured memories are those of all-night sessions of those old guys, reminiscing their experiences in the Armed Forces during the 1930s, and the early days of World War II.  I learned things not reported elsewhere,
; such as the warfare overseas between black and white American troops, and the campaigns led by Eisenhower and others to deny any chances of blacks fighting with dignity and equal opportunity alongside white servicemen.  I learned why they hated both Generals  Eisenhower and Mark Clark.  It is still an open question as to whether this "armed black" gift has been used well by the citizens (of all colors and genders) of this nation.  It is obvious, from political views of the likes of Charlton Heston, and similar NRA extremists, how our nation became paranoid; leading to our current  "intersection" of guns and race.  White Americans could participate in using this history to quash the growth of white,  male, mentally-disturbed, gun-toters and effectively put an end to this growing insanity.  Do we continue to drift toward the mass-insanity among South Africa males like Pistorious??

These Lincoln "Gifts", were rapidly "discounted" as Reconstruction advanced.  Today, we see the handicapped; white women; Hispanics; Non-white Immigrants; Jews; Corporations; and now, Gays, shove aside blacks to "eat their lunch" as was provided in the fine print of Constitutional Amendments (13th , 14th, and 15th) of these "black gifts" from that period in our history.

Stay Vigilant!  Today the Bushes are posing as friends of blacks as it becomes clear that Republicans are losing their Racist campaigns against President Obama and his policies.  Watch out for the political "whip-lash"!

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Monday, April 7, 2014


Republicans Must "Stand" the GROUND they've Stood!!

Back in the Media, along with Jindal, who's running that other sewer in Baton Rouge, proclaiming (both of you) a "New" Republican Party -- Give Us a Break!!  Are you "stepping" on your own propaganda?  Do you think we're not smart enough to "see through" all of this as a ploy to provide cover for your strategy to take the Senate in 2014?  

Minorities, Women, Whites who, by now ,are sick of the bad PR this country has suffered a your hands, may come out in droves to vote in the 2014 off-year election.  If they do, you, and the Republican Party will move into the "ash-bin" of History.  That will be richly deserved, given the damage Republicans have done to this country.  That "kinder/gentler" crap won't flush this time!  If the Afghans can face-down the Taliban through the Ballot Box, Voters in the U.S. might do no less to the Repoobs, Tea Party, and Republicans.  Party(s) die in this country,  when such fate is so richly deserved.

Your wife will not fare well, even next to "Queen Ann" Romney's poor performance (trying to sneak expensive jewelry through Customs)?  "The "little brown one" worked for Papa Bush, but enough Hispanics, Mexicans, or "illegals"; (whatever you and your kooks are calling them today) are AWAKE!
They VOTE now.  Having your Lawn Jockey, Rubio, shill for you, won't work either.  Only the stupid whites who have consistently voted against their economic interests for decades, can believe that Jindal is a "good" black guy who will support their interests.  His roots are in India, like that of the Governor of South Carolina.  The Indians have a history of providing "Kiss-up/Kick-down" services for oppressing whites  (Check out their history in South Africa).  Southern Blacks may be so poorly educated, but don't think for a moment that those of us, of all colors, outside of Dixie, are so STUPID!

Stay Vigilant!  Wanna win? "Take down" the NRA, and pass gun control, BEFORE the November 2014 election.

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

'NON-DISCLOSURE" and 21st Century GLOBAL Racism??

"Clarence" : the "Gift" that keeps on Giving"??

Not since Cortes committed mutiny and invaded Mexico in 1519, has the resulting African Slave trade, concocted by the "troika" of Catholic Hierarchy, or,  Missionary; Mercenary, or, BIG MONEY; and Military Interests (aka 3-M); produced a "treasure" as valuable to BIG MONEY, as Clarence Thomas, Justice on our Supreme Court of the United States of America.  Hoisted there by Daddy Bush in 1991, and assisted by a Catholic Operative in the United States, Clarence has served since as a "programmable" Lawn Jockey for Race-Driven Policy interests.  Not since that fabled Lawn Jockey of George Washington, has that concept had more disastrous meaning for all who inhabit this planet!  Clarence's secondary post is to serve as a "foot stool" for Justice Scalia. 

In case you are still living under some rock, our Supreme Court ruled on April 2, 2014, in "McCutcheon" the "flip" side of their "Citizens United" bad coin, delivered in 2010.  It says that not only is Money the same as free speech and can be spent on domestic politics in virtually unlimited amounts, but now, the source of the the money does not have to be disclosed!.  How ya' like them apples??  As our late-night comedians make hay out of these five clowns on the Roberts Court, and Roberts, it becomes painfully clear that the real roots of racism as practiced in the United States since our founding Masters, is, and always has been Economics!  After centuries of practice and refinement, that system has been launched by BIG MONEY interests, across the entire planet!  After five years of flouting their oldest and most vile attitudes on race, against the First Black President of this nation, The Republicans, The Court, and the Repoobs (Tea Party) are within striking distance (from here to elections this November) of "cinching" their strategies, and "running the table" against persons of color, women, and anybody not lucky enough to be included in the wealthy top one-percent of our citizens.   Yes, that means you, too, if you're white and not stinkin' rich!  As the old slaves might say: "we is all niggahs, now!"  Oh: note to "black conservatives"; because you're not white, you can't even ride in the back of their bus anymore.  GOT THAT? CONDI ??
KOCH editoralizes in a Murdoch rag that he fears "collectives".  What the HELL does he think the white-skin "collective" he inhabits and profits from, is??

The Court didn't close the bag soon enough, however, because the arms and legs of people like the Kochs, and Adelson are already exposed, or, disclosed!  Who?  and what else?, is in their bag?  Can we find a lost night flight? The funding for the "film" that sparked riots in Egypt and Benghazi? The imagination runs rampart.  None of this matters if the VOTERS allow these "operatives" to take down the Senate this Fall.  They own the Court (since 2000), and if they get the full Congress (they already own the House of Representatives), they will have the power to Impeach and finally destroy the governmental structure that has,  miraculously, protected an ignorant, greedy, and racist citizenry, since our days of Chattel Slavery.

Stay Vigilant!  We may go down, but we can, at least, go down fighting!!  BIG MONEY (white, of course) is planning to "move in"  -- ultimate Gentrification!!

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Friday, April 4, 2014


"In-the Windo-Sill?

I entered first Grade in 1945.  In addition to huge other events of that year, it was also the year that I learned our Pledge of Allegiance.  I learned the version of our Pledge of Allegiance that was officially recognized, for the first time, by Congress in 1942.  We learned:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, 
One Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

For first-graders, that word, indivisible, was unfamiliar, and sounded like "in the windo-sill!  We said that until we learned more in later grades.  We're a deeply divided nation today, and the concept of "indivisibility", then, was very important; but not today.  Today, Hard Right Whites blame President Obama for our present divisions.  Maybe we should  blame "Ike" (and, also Tricky Dick Nixon, who was his Vice President.)   Ike also opened  the door for our malignant "religious right" to rear its head in the 1970s "Silent Majority" and Abortion fights that joined  Race-Backlash battles thay begann in 1954, and still rage today.

In 1954, Eisenhower trapped that concept,  "indivisible" , under a new phrase, "Under God".  He did that on June 14, 1954, within days following the landmark Supreme Court ruling on School Integration.  Of course, everyone knew in those days that God was white, so, the whites ruled over our "indivisibility".  The Right Wing today sees no problem with that.  They cannot see, or imagine, our citizenry as anything other than white.  It is endemic in all of their rhetoric.  It is implied in all of their "talking points".  When FOX-and- Friends utter the phrase "American People", they're talking about the white ones.  Everyone else is kept on the fringes of our economy and our society.

The "Conservatives" to include Libertarians and the far Right Wing in this country, has always held the notion that the only truly "public good" is DEFENSE!  It is an "indivisible" good because you can't defend one, and not defend all!  That notion rings hollow in the 21st Century, where virtually nobody sacrifices, pays taxes or in any way "support" (besides lip-service)  the few who do fight to win the wars we seem to start with regularity.

Since Ike, the United States has taken global its trend of infusing its institutions with race. In 2014, six years after 2008, rich whites can no longer afford to allow poor whites to ride in the back of their bus; so, they've thrown them "under the bus" with the rest of the "47%"!  Moynihan warned poor whites that they would suffer, within a  time lag of about 10 years, whatever fate they approved for non-whites.  Following that logic, rich whites will soon be shooting poor whites in the streets; to the approval of our "justice system"??

Also since Ike, we've had 9 Presidents before Obama  who fit a spectrum from "Dominative" to "Aversive" racists, according to Kovel's definitions (ISBN: 0231057970).  I add a new section: "Cynical" to cover Clinton, Nixon, Ford, and Johnson.  The "Dominative" are, by my count, Reagan, Bush-I, and Bush-II:     The "Aversive" are Carter and Kennedy.  Check it out!

Stay Vigilant!  The real religion of the United States, since its founding, has been, what Montesqeiui and De Tocqueville imply: White Skin and MONEY!  Catholicism; the European version of Christianity (it was founded in Africa) is the "lock" that keeps all things African despised by everyone on this planet!  Montesqueiu's explains why, in his Spirit of Laws.  DON'T  ALLOW Generalissimo(s) "KOCH" to WIN OUR 2014 Election!!

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