Poor Women; in our new "Financial" Economy ... Producing (poorer) Babies??
As our LABOR DAY approaches, the WAR between the MONEY BOYS and the U.S. Citizenry, rages on! No one seems to realize the significance of President's Obama quip: "We have to start "making" things again"!!
We're blindly pursuing the myth that the ECONOMY; killed by the Republicans when they were in their "outlaw" phase (2000-2006), will miraculously be RESTORED!! THAT was our INDUSTRIAL economy!! It was replaced with a FINANCIAL Economy -- one ruled by Banks, Insurance Companies, Wall Street, and Hedge-Funders! Not one laborer among-em!! Combined, they have shown incredible power to make us all SWEAT! We're living steadily less satisfying lives as a result, and growing steadily fearful for our futures and those for our children.
Thumb through the ROOSEVELT Institute White Paper by Joseph E. Stiglitz (May 28, 2014), and you see how busy these BOYS were. While we all slept, they sped along their way to a top, and safe !/% of our Economy! http://rooseveltinstitute.org/sites/all/files/Stiglitz_Reforming_Taxation_White_Paper_Roosevelt_Institute.pdf
A "pause" is upon us, as both Putin and Netanyahu retrench from their various battles for preeminence in this new Financial Economy, to review their strategies; targeted at vulnerable ethnic, racial, and poor Peoples.
Their real targets are much larger, however. Both Europe and the United States seem to be in the "cross-hairs" of these guys; helped from within by various "Tools" in service to them!!. People, (even some of those, now in Refugee Camps, were incredibly rich) are suffering miserable fates in spreading parts of the world. Their "worlds" crash and burn "overnight"!
Then, there are the "Religious Nuts" who are fixated on the "babies" of THEIR People. Their opposition to "Babies" NOT-THEIRS; whether Abortion, or "Shock and Awe" in the streets of Ferguson, MO; this element of our population has been busy capitalizing on our Prison System; corrupting our Political Parties; destroying our overall Economy; and killing the children of People who are not "included" as THEIRS!
FINANCIAL Economies produce distinctly different types of, (and far fewer) JOBS, and a peculiar, new type of MANAGERS. Some Religious Groups are migrating to more and more heinous acts (like beheading) in the names of their GODS.
Check out the "birth-rate" problems in the Phillipines: Refugee camps are spreading like a plague! http://www.democraticunderground.com/10025430137.
Stay Vigilant! Time to get the MONEY BOYS under control? Check our History; look up the Sherman Anti-Trust L:aws we still have on our books? http://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/competition-guidance/guide-antitrust-laws/antitrust-laws.
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