Saturday, August 16, 2014

"trash" COMMUNITIES; "trash" MEDIA; "trash" POLICING; "trash" JUSTICE; "trash" BLACKS; "trash" WHITES ...

Did the U.S. Leave "QUALITY" in the 20th Century??

Ferguson, MO could be a "teaching Moment" for us all; if we honestly face what we're seeing!
Last night's return to "trash" behavior by "trash"  BLACK-YOUTH, using the "cover" of PROTEST for common theft; matches the "trash" COPS who put out spurious videos to the MEDIA (especially to their "trash" Talking Heads) as "cover" for their obvious criminality!

This would NEVER happen in the BLACK Missouri Community I was raised in, between the years of 1939 and 1959!  Even the (black) TOWN DRUNK would "chastise" a misbehaving black youth; and, then make sure the parents knew what happened before the kid could get home with some trumped-up Lie!  (they didn't need "smart" phones)!  The parents would be waiting to "whup their asses"!  The BLACK MEN of our town made sure that the Cracker Cops had no reason to come across the tracks into our Community.  It was a COMMUNITY! -- not just some Hell Hole where enough people of a certain stripe collect; enabling our sick MEDIA to describe it as a "Community".  A COMMUNITY functions as one!  The Quality Blacks evidently went to bed at a decent hour last night in Ferguson, MO, leaving the young criminal element unattended!  SHAME ON THEM!

In the 20th Century, black parents raised their children to quickly distinguish "Quality" whites from the "TRASH"!  Nowadays you see "TRASH WHITES" everywhere.  The Guv'na of MO, looked like a "deer in headlights" on the Media, as he shoved him Black Prince into the breech.  The Guv'na of TX (from N*ggerhead) is under INDICTMENT!  Then's theire' the Guv'na of NJ, (and NM?)!

The CRACKER Cops, and their backers, knew exactly, how to deal with the Black Guy.  CRACKERS in politics have demonstrated that to the entire PLANET since the FBP was elected in 2008!  The Republicans paraded every kind of "TRASH" before us, and the World, during their 2012 Election Campaigns.

Talking Heads (white ones) should review carefully their performance when the "mikes" are ON!  We detect their TRASH Roots, from the way they slip up in their verbiage on Air.  "Pitiful-Palin" showed politicians how to run for the money in MEDIA, and, in the process, created our new "Revolving Door" that competes with the "Lobbyist" path to Dirty Money.

As for JUSTICE?  Has anyone checked out the Supreme Court since the advent of Roberts and Alito?? "Citizens United" was the accelerant that set off our current spiral toward DECLINE and COLLAPSE as a nation.  The Court, since their arrival, has flung open the doors leading back to our Slave past!

Then;  there are the "TRASH RELIGIONS"!  Those used by the KLAN, and early Catholics (Pope Too, too?) to set the stage for all of this racial crap!  Everyone points fingers at the MUSLIMS; but most of us need to use a MIRROR once in a while!

Stay Vigilant!  We can FIX a lot of this in NOVEMBER!!

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