Wednesday, August 13, 2014

BLACKS: "There we GO! .. AGAIN???

Will WE EVER Learn?
Following the Riots in the late 60s, in response to the assassinations of Dr. King, Malcolm, and the Kennedys, the Elites of the nation hit on the idea of electing Blacks to the Position of Mayor in cities around the country.  They were counting on the tendency since Slavery of Blacks to confuse Position, with Power.  Their scheme worked.  Only one of a list of Black Mayors was in a Strong Mayor position, and exercised real Power:  Mayor Washington of Chicago.  The sham was obvious, even in Seattle, where I worked to help elect Mayor Rice in 1989 .  Mayor Bradley of  Los Angeles was a JOKE; who presided over the most racist Police Force in the Nation's history.  It's no joke that Academia relies on this flaw, and continues to "sell" worthless degrees to minorities who think the degree will confer upon them the power that whites have with no education at all!

That "snake oil" has a life of its own, and will continue until pretentious aspirants to power disappear.  NOT!
The Extreme Right has twisted that history into a new shape in their unified front against the FBP.  The root of raw racism runs deep in the Americas.  In that part of the Americas, south of our border with Mexico, you see a race machine fashioned hundreds of years ago by the Catholic founders of those nations.  Their race instrument has 16 keys (permutations of blanco, indio, and negro).  In the English-speaking parts, the race instrument has only 2 keys: White, -- and all else has been  Black (even one drop).  The Tweeners' are emerging in the 21st Century; as  race definitions become further "contorted" by MEDIA.

In "Misery", (my 'ol birthplace), racism is buried deep in the soil, as is evident in Ferguson, near St. Louis.
Those in the "ditch" politically, racially, socially, and economically in this country, are, once again, at each other's throats.  No responsible, and accountable Leaders are available today within our States, to bring calm and common sense to bear.  The ages-old practice of whites to rely on  poorly educated, and unwise PREACHERS, to calm the Blacks;  is alive and well.  Past white Presidents, from the time of Booker T. Washington, have bribed Preachers and Black "Leaders" to calm the riotous elements.  They also served as spies for the Klan and for Political Leaders throughout our history.

It appears that the one thing INTEGRATION produced is young blacks who are equally as undisciplined as the whites they went to school with.  The Black Youth who started the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s were extremely better at self-discipline that what we observe among all of our youth today.  Some Progress!

Stay Vigilant!  What kind of "LEADERSHIP" exists in YOUR "Community"??
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