"Reading" our MEDIA??
After days of "hiding out"; the Governor of Missouri sprang forth to play his "Ace of Spades" against the Malignant Right Insurrectionists in his state (21st Century Klan). The "heat" is off, for now, in Ferguson, but already, the next moves in this sorry saga are becoming evident. "Mourning Joe" and his Media-stripe, revealed their hand too early; and are trapped on the "wrong" side of the issue. Other "celebrity" Talking Heads in the Media, now find it "safe" to go to Ferguson to be "seen-on-the-scene"! They all have to measure their steps carefully -- even those darker "heads". They were cautiously silent in the first few days. Hispanics; White Women (Hillary?); The Congressional Black Caucus; and countless others, are scrambling for "safe" stances on these events. NOTE: the Governor of New Mexico never did come out of hiding, following the shooting by her State Cops at a Black Woman and her children traveling the back roads of her state. The Cook Report revealed that she has been "counseled" by the "Karl Rove of New Mexico"; at great expense to the New Mexico Tax Payers!
The Crakker Militia that scared HELL out of even the Hard Right with their Iraq-derived- Firepower on T.V., may have bought enough time for the Chief and Mayor of Ferguson to get their LIES lined up; and a COVER story for the Media to be developed. (They're busy building a "back" story hinting that the dead black youth MAY have been involved in a Robbery). Thank (their?) God! The Whites now have something to cling to, and the "O'Mara/Zimmerman" Template can be rolled out to free Whites in this country, once again, from their guilt via Media-Trial. (Johnny Cochran's "genius" backfired??)
The problem is that GOVERNMENT in this country no longer works like it used to! Neither Governors nor Presidents will ever again have the "Executive Authority", of Old; until structural changes are made this FALL! Why! because Legislatures have taken over; led by Malignant Think Tanks in Washington, D.C.!! Every type of government, or quasi-government can now have its own POLICE FORCE (the VA, School Districts, County Sheriffs, the list is long). Remember!, Bundy and his bunch in Nevada felt that their SHERIFF could ARREST the Federal Government! Now, these Crack-Pot Crackers have direct access to war weaponry from our Department of Defense; FOR FREE. That should help to explain what we all saw on T.V. the other night when these friggin' Klan-types pointed high-power war weapons at unarmed citizens!
Want your country back? Want sane government back? FIND EVERY REPUBLICAN, and VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE!! Even your Republican Governor might thank you for that!
As for the Black, Poor and Confused (and deluded? Christian?) citizens: we may continue to see them and their young male children gunned down in the streets. Each incident, makes the Media Machine stronger as it plays is various cynical games on us! Blacks (women, especially) are suckers for the "Kool-Aid" and eager to "suck-up" in the old, traditional, ways!
Stay Vigilant! How is your Legislature, or City Council, or County Board, treating YOU?? VOTE!!
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